Fuck you ☆

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Thank you Unicornlandia56 for the idea, ilysm ❤


   There you sat, more than a hour after your date was supposed to start.

Zach promised he'd be there, and you had so much hope especially because you haven't seen him in so long and because it was your birthday.

"Sweetheart, are you ready to order yet?" The kind waitress asked for probably the 50th time tonight.

You sigh and look down at your hands, "Just a few more minutes please. I'm sure he'll show."

She sadly nods and walks away, sorrow radiating of her body.

You knew he wasn't going to show up, you had lost hope when he was 45 minutes late.

He didn't call or text either, he simply left you hanging.

A loose tear falls down your face as some people around give you sympathetic smiles.

You wait another 15 minutes before the waitress comes back, this time with a bowl of ice cream.

"You look like you could use this love. Did he not turn up?"

You frown and look up at her, "No," You whisper, "He didn't. Can I just please get the check for my coffee and ice cream."

The woman shakes her head, "On me. I hope everything works out."

She gives you another large smile and lightly rubs your shoulder for reassurance before walking off again.

You slowly take a few bites of your ice cream before gathering your stuff.

You walk towards the doors to make your way to your car before stopping dead in your tracks.

In comes Zach, a panicked and worried look on his face.

"Y/n!" He says once he sees you.

You shake your head and quickly walk past him into the chilly LA air.

"Y/n please wait!" Zach shouts as he chases after you.

You continue to ignore him before he catches up to you and quickly grabs your shoulder and spins you around.

"Y/n please-"

"Are you kidding me Zach?! I waited in that restaurant for you for almost two hours! Alone, on my damn birthday! And you didn't even have the nerve to send me a text saying you weren't gonna make it?!"

"Look, y/n I know. I got caught up with the boys."

You look at him, anger in your eyes.

"You got caught up with the boys?" You spit, "Thanks, we've only been planning this night for three weeks."

"Let me make this up to you." Zach sighs.

You lightly laugh before saying, "You know what Zach? Fuck you."

And with that you continue making your way to your car, leaving the boy behind in the parking lot.


If a boy ever does something like this to me he'd be non existent afterwards boy bye.

So I decided I'm gonna do pennywise makeup for halloween and honestly I'm fucking pumped. I'm gonna use glitter and sparkles and jewels and damn I'm gonna look bomb af.

Also, I went and saw Jigsaw yesterday and I really loved it. I love all the Saw movies and this one was probably my fave. The twist at the end was fucking insane.

Qotd: Should I just add Logan to the preferences or should I make a Logan Paul imagine book?

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