Lies pt.2 ☆

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The wait is over❤

Inspired by: Thinking of you by Kesha, play the song while you read this please.


"Now, you just sat in bed, thinking about Corbyn. You knew you couldn't go back to him, and you wouldn't.

After all, he lied to you."

~  almost 2 months later

   It's been almost 2 months since you caught Corbyn and y/bsf/n.

Sure, the first couple weeks were hard for you, you couldn't eat, you could hardly sleep and you refused to leave the house.

You weren't writing music like you should've been for the millions of people looking up to you and waiting for you to release something.

Your record label, Atlantic Records, had tried to get in contact with you, trying to get you to come to the studio but you couldn't in fear that you would see Corbyn and beg him to come home.

The other boys had tried to keep in contact, but you declined every call and deleted every text message.

But that was before. Today felt different. You felt stronger.

The night before you had actually been able to sleep and you woke up laughing.

Why the hell were you still crying over Corbyn? He cheated on you and you were crying over him?

You got out of bed and ran downstairs to your living room. You walked over to your smart TV and put on Pandora. 'Find Your Love' by Drake started playing causing a smile to appear on your face. It was the song that was playing when you first met Corbyn.

You danced through the entire song, singing along since you knew every word. It reminded you of Corbyn, but today it didn't make you sad.

Hearing you and Corbyn's song gave you inspiration to finally write new music. You quickly ran upstairs and got ready to leave your house.

You showered, got dressed, and did your hair and makeup. For once after what seemed like forever, you felt amazing.

You basically jogged out of your house after you had grabbed your keys and smiled as soon as the warm sun hit your face.

You got into your car and drove straight to the beach, you always wrote your best songs there.

Once you finally made it to the beach you grabbed your notepad and a pen from your glove box and quickly made your way to sit in the warm sand.

The lyrics came easy to you, almost as if you had already heard the song. Your pen danced across your paper, all of your emotions coming out with every word written.

You wrote and erased for almost 4 hours before you were finally satisfied with the song.

You called Sam, your friend who helped with the instrumental parts of your songs, and asked if you could go to his house to have him help make the song perfect.

He agreed and a couple hours later your song had been completed. You were in love with the sound and the way you told the world about what Corbyn had done.

A couple days later your record label heard the song and fell in love with it. They thought it truly expressed what you were feeling and wanted to put the song out as soon as possible.

You recorded your song in the studio and added the final touches and almost 2 days later, it was released on iTunes and Spotify.

Fans didn't know what happened between you and Corbyn, but after they heard your new song they finally understood.

He cheated on you. The world finally knew what Corbyn had done and you loved having the satisfaction of knowing that.

Yes, you still thought of Corbyn, but they weren't good thoughts. You were thinking of him, hoping he was as miserable as you were.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.


Guess who's sad because this came out really badly, but onlinethottie gave me inspo to write this, thanks babe❤

I truly had no idea how to end this so please thank her, and check out her books they're amazing💙 ^^^^

Also I may have a big announcement coming soon? Like maybe?

Sorry my imagines are so bad :(


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