Queen ☆

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   There was a huge prank war going on at the Why Don't We house. A couple days ago Zach had pranked you by making you think he broke his leg while skateboarding.

So, as of right now you were out looking for supplies for a prank to do on Zach as payback.

You were walking down the isle in target when suddenly your phone went off, indicating that you had just gotten a text message.

Pulling the device from your pocket you turn it on, seeing a text from Jack.

From Baby💖: "Can you come home quickly? I want to talk to you about something.."

Reading the text message over once more your heart breaks, scared and nervous about what Jack wanted to talk about.

Forgetting about your prank you quickly leave the store and make your way to your car, you wanted to get to the house as fast as you could.

The drive only lasted about 15 minutes before you pulled up into the driveway. You quickly got out of the car and walked up to the large house, getting more nervous with every step you took.

When you finally reached the front door you took a deep breath, bracing yourself.

You walk inside seeing no one. You decide to walk up to you and Jacks shared bedroom figuring that he'd probably be in there.

When the bedroom door comes into view your palms begin to get sweaty and your heart starts racing.

You walk up and slowly open the door, seeing Jack sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

However, the thing that stood out most was your camera sitting on the desk to your right pointing at you and Jack, horribly hidden.

This was another prank.

Deciding to play along you begin to speak, "Jack?"

He slowly looks up at you, running his hands over his face, "Y/n, I really need to talk to you."

"What's wrong?" You whisper.

Jack pauses, looking down at the ground dramatically.

"I- I don't think this is working out anymore. I think we should see other people and break up."

You almost let out a laugh, "I feel the same way Jack. That's why I've been secretly sleeping with Daniel."

Jack quickly looks up, meeting your eyes, "Wha- what? You're cheating on me? With my best friend?"

"Cheating? Didn't you just say you wanted to break up?" You ask, confused.

He stutters over his words and quickly walks over and grabs the camera, pointing it at you, "I didn't want t- to actually break up! This was just a prank! But- but you actually cheated on me!"

You let a laugh out this time, smiling widely at Jack, "I know. I saw the camera."

Jack gives you a hilarious confused look, causing you to break out into a laughing fit.

"You should've seen your face babe. It was priceless." You say between giggles.

"Wait, so you didn't actually cheat on me?" Jack asks, still confused.

"Of course not, I'd never do that to you."

Jack smiles and sets the camera down on the bed before walking over and embracing you into a huge hug.

"Next time Jack, never prank the queen."



This took me like an hour to write with my left hand lol.

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