~Chapter 30~

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                                                                                    ~Chapter 30~

                       I spent the next day at school on the edge of my seat. If I wasn't stressing over meeting with Saria tonight, then I was doing my best to avoid Matt and the awkwardness that was sure to follow yesterday and the kiss.

"Okay, what's up with you today?" Morgan asked as she took her seat across from me at lunch.

"Nothing, I'm just worried about the history midterm." I lied, unpacking my lunch. Yesterday, after Morgan had finished squealing over Peter, I had decided not to tell her about the kiss I had shared with Matt. I figured that I needed to deice my own feelings first.

"Don't worry, you have an A in the class so obviously you understand most of the material and even if you do awful, it will only bring you down to a B." She reassured me, pulling her own lunch out of her bag.

"Yeah, and then a few days later it will be winter break and we get to party." Andrea said in a singsong voice, sitting down next to me.

I gave her a surprised look, seeing as how everyone else still viewed me as a traitor, but she only gave me a blank look. It was better than the glares I had been receiving all day, at least.

Matt had promised to talk to the pack and convince them I wasn't what they thought I was, but his talk didn't seem to do much for most people. His close friends, like Connor and Jason, were more understanding, but the rest of the student body wasn't so forgiving.

It also didn't help that Jessica had started spreading rumors about me.

"So where's Peter?" Andrea asked, noticing his empty seat. An enthusiastic smile instantly formed on Morgan's face at the mention of his name and my own smile grew as well. I found it adorable to watch the infatuation shared between the two.

"He's at the doctors. But speaking of Peter..." I trailed off, gesturing at Morgan to continue.

"Peter asked me out!" The smile on her face before was nothing compared to the fully blossomed one that made me wonder how it didn't hurt her cheeks.

Andrea slapped her hands down on the table instantly, creating a loud noise and catching the attention of the surrounding students. "What? You're kidding!"

"No, it happened last night while we were hanging out."

"And you're just telling me this now?" Andrea gave her an offended look.

"Sorry... I was so excited that I completely forgot." Morgan apologized without looking the part, seeing as her smile had not diminished at all.

"Whatever, tell me the details." Andrea urged Morgan, calling for an in-depth account of what had transpired last night.

As Morgan told the story of how her and Peter finally shared their feelings for one another last night, I found myself zoning out and envisioning how the talk with Saria would go. I had called her from Morgan's house last night and agreed to her terms. She was planning on coming over to my house after school today so we could talk more about it. I was usually pretty good at lying but Saria was so intimidating that I was worried that I would crack in front of her.

I didn't snap out of my day dreams (more like day nightmares) until a shadow fell across me, caused by the boy standing in front of me.

"Um, Kaylee?" The familiar blonde-haired boy asked.

"Oh, hey Chance." I said, straightening up and giving him a friendly smile. I could tell how uncomfortable he was with everyone's attention on him.

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