~Chapter 3~

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                                                                 ~Chapter 3~

          “I like your car.” I said with wide eyes as I stared at the bright floral patterned vehicle. It wasn’t necessarily bad-looking, it just wasn’t anything I had ever seen before. But I guess it suited my aunt well. I hadn’t known her for long but I could tell she was more of the ‘free-spirited’ type. I was just surprised her car wasn’t monkey themed.

"I painted it myself.” Kristy flashed me a proud grin and got into the drivers’ seat. I got in as well and watched as we drove out of the airport parking lot, the surrounding scenery turning into a blur.  “So the town is about half an hour away. Maybe we should get to know each other a little better.” She suggested.

I didn’t say anything, un-enthusiastic about the idea of telling her anything about me, but she took my silence as agreement.

“First, you have to know that I have a tiny obsession with animals, monkeys in particular, and every once in a while I take trips for the wildlife program that I am in. I have a friend who offered to watch over you whenever I go away, but I don’t think that will be anytime soon.”

“Yeah, I noticed that.” I chuckled, referring to what she said about her obsession. As if anyone could miss it.

“Any weird obsessions you have?” She asked, glancing over at me. I thought over it for a while, trying to remember any hobbies I might have had before I left.

“Before I started traveling with my parents, I was obsessed with Moose Tracks ice cream. In my sophomore year, I’m pretty sure I had it for dessert every single night.” I couldn’t stop the smile that formed on my face when I remembered the time I had brought it with me to a sleepover because I couldn’t bear to not eat it for a night.

“Speaking of food, what’s your favorite meal? I have my own little herb garden in the backyard, so I tend to use a lot of stuff like that when I cook. I’m a little bit of an organic freak.” An image of her hunched over in a little garden filled my mind and I fought back a laugh.

“Don’t worry; I’m not too picky of an eater.”                 


         Looking out the window, the words ‘Welcome to Ashford, Connecticut’ caught my eye. “Ah, we just got into town. Isn’t it lovely?” Kristy said, gazing out the window even though there wasn’t any of the town to see. All that stretched before us was a vast forest on both sides of the road.

The forest was lovely, though. The ground was laid with fresh snow and the trees were capped with it. My heart picked up a beat at the thought of running through it and hope flared inside of me. I hadn’t been able to shift in a long time since the past few towns that I stayed in had no woods.

 After another five to ten minutes, we finally reached buildings. The houses were small but cozy, most of them wooden and old fashioned. The farther we went into town, the more modern it got, however. It wasn’t nearly as small as I had imagined it to be. The forest that surrounded it was what made it seem so tiny and isolated.

       “Here we are.” Kristy said, pulling into the driveway of a light blue, one story house. I felt a weird sort of excitement at being able to sleep in a real bed tonight. I didn’t count the worn down mattresses of the motels I had been staying in.

 When I got inside, I saw that it was much bigger than it had looked from outside. The kitchen had marble countertops that showed obvious sign of use and the other rooms had the perfect mix of comfortable yet elegant.

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