~Chapter 21~

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When i get to like chapter 25 or something, i think i'm going to go back and edit it. I'll clean up the sloppy parts and add more details. 


                                                                      ~Chapter 21~


                                                             The pleasant aroma of pancakes reached my nose and the comforting sunlight enveloped me like a heated blanket as I groggily came to my senses the next morning. I let out a quiet groan and stretched my arms up towards the head of the bed. A feeling of bliss came over me as I lay there, half-awake, basking in the sunlight with dreams still repeating inside of my head.

 It was these moments that I appreciated the most, where you were just conscious enough to feel happiness, but you weren't so conscious as to let dark thoughts penetrate your peaceful mind. It was as if the rest of the world was forgotten and all there was in the world was you. And the solitude of that was appealing in every way.

But moments like these are always ruined. They may be ruined by the dark thoughts finally getting in, or by the shouting voice of a parent, or the nagging of a sibling. Mine was ruined by a quiet voice, however.

"Good. You're awake." My grandfather stood at the entryway to my room. "Your aunt made breakfast." He said, turning and disappearing just as quietly as he had come.

 My raised head dropped back onto the pillow with a loud groan and I lay for a few more moments, before finally gathering up the will to get out of my bed.

I wrapped my blanket tightly around me, as if it was armor that could protect me from the battles to come.

                School started off the same as usual. I met up with Morgan in front of the school and we were soon joined by Andrea and Peter. First period sailed by smoothly as well, and no problems arose until I stepped outside of the classroom with Morgan, ready to head to second period.

"Kaylee." Matt said, giving me an arrogant smile as he pushed himself off of the wall where he had been waiting. I forced myself not to focus on how the motion caused his biceps to flex against the thin material of his black t-shirt.

"Matt." I said through clenched teeth. Morgan gave me a look, clearing saying that she would expect details later, and walked off to her class.

Matt opened his mouth to say something else, but I cut him off when I caught sight of Chance. "Hold on, I need to go talk to Chance. I left my shirt at his house." My words were probably not the wisest move, but any regret I might've felt was washed out when I saw his face at my words.

His eyes seemed to turn even darker than they originally were and his jaw clenched tightly. One glance downwards told me that his fists had done so as well.

I smiled smugly at him and was about to walk off, when I realized that this could lead to bad things for Chance.

"I'm just kidding. Chill." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah." He practically growled out, his fists slowly unclenching.

I started to walk forward, aware that we didn't have that long before class, when a strong arm clasped my waist and pulled me back. I turned to look up at Matt, who was now walking as well, but with his arm firmly wrapped around my waist.

In response to my questioning look, he just smiled in a smug manner down at me before looking away. This was definitely his way of being possessive.

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