~Chapter 14~

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I can not even explain how much fun the cruise was asdjsgdhdo I became really close with the cutest guy ever and i seriously felt like i had known everyone on it for ever. Reality sucks compared to my cruise life ):


                                                            ~Chapter 14~


                              I adjusted my cardigan over my black tank top and grimaced in the mirror. Time to face the music, I thought to myself. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I found Louise in the living room on the phone.

   “Oh, here you are. I was just about to come get you. Your aunt is on the phone.” She smiled and handed the phone to me.

  “Hey.” I said into the phone and it was quiet for a moment, leaving my puzzled. Usually she would have started talking my ear off by now.

I guess I spoke too soon, because the explosion of words came soon after.

“I am so sorry I haven’t been able to call you in a while! I had no clue that the reception would be this awful up here. But the nature is absolutely breathtaking and the monkeys, by god, the monkeys are amazing! I’ve encountered so many new species and they all are so friendly and playful. Except for this one rough little guy. He’s a Mandrill monkey so it is to be expected, but he always looks at me like he wants to rip my face off. Mono gets along really well with all of them and… oh dear, I’m babbling again. I’m sorry. How has it been down there?” And there was the aunt that I had come to know and, surprisingly enough, care for.

  “I’m glad you’re having a good time. Louise is really nice and I enjoy staying with her.” She looked up at me with a grin, and I smiled back before continuing, “School’s fine. The same as usual.” Lie.

 “Oh, well that’s good to hear! I know you have to go to school, but I just wanted to check in and tell you that I’m expected to be back in a week. I’ll call you later, when I’m in an area with reception.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” I said, hanging up the phone after she said goodbye as well.

“Have a good day at school, Kaylee!” Louise called to me as I headed to the front door and I waved, before stepping out of the house. I pulled my car keys out of the front pocket of my bag and unlocked the doors.

I turned on the radio, hoping for some song to play that would give me some kind of motivation to deal with the school day.

All I got was, “Slow down, grab the wall. Wiggle like you tryna make yo a** fall off.”

Yes, because that is going to be extremely helpful while I’m being hunted down by insane werewolves.

I may be a tiny bit melodramatic, but from what I have learned from my parents while growing up, all my worries are for a good reason. Werewolves are insanely territorial and aggressive. Some werewolves have been killed simply for cutting across another’s territory to get to another place. They weren’t given any time to explain or anything.

That’s the reason why I was more than a little worried about today.

                           I pulled up to the school in the back parking lot, hoping to have to face less people this way. As soon as I stepped on campus, however, almost every head turned to look at me. Bouts of whispering immediately broke out and I resisted the urge to flick everyone off.

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