~Chapter 46~

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                                                                                           ~Chapter 46~

                                                                                         (Kaylee's POV)

                                "She should be waking up anytime now." A deep voice pushed its way through the fog that was filling my mind. My brain struggled to keep my newly awakened thoughts in order, but one phrase kept repeating itself, softly at first and then louder, as if it were a chant.

Matt came. Matt came. Matt came.

That deep voice couldn't belong to anyone else. He rescued me, he must have. I had been hung up on this idea that I was the only one able to save myself, but he did it. He found me somehow and got me out of that hellish place.

With these thoughts pumping through my brain, I forced my eyes open. Dim light, which was blindingly bright compared to the darkness behind my eyelids, filled them and it took several seconds to adjust to the new setting. The ache in my bones was the first thing I noticed as I was brought back into awareness, and I tried to recall if I had recently been trampled by a herd of elephants.

The next thing I noticed, was how the slight breeze in the room, which must have been from an air conditioning system, was softly irritating open wounds on my legs. Memories of a flowery smell reminded me of what had knocked me out, the Wolfsbane.

Mustering all my strength, I whipped my head to the side, a call for Matt dying on my tongue as soon as I saw the person beside me. A person who was definitely not Matt.

"Oh, you're awake. Your father will be very pleased." Despite the bandage on his forehead, my grandfather looked younger than ever and his eyes had a spark to them, as if he was taking great pleasure in the scene before him.

Which he definitely was.

Looking behind him, I noticed that I was in a different, much cleaner room. The walls were pristine and the floor was free of the layer of dust that the last room had. There were even two doors, ones for which I was eager to find out whatever lay behind them.

"Dammit, you're not dead." I sniped back, referring to the last time I had seen him in the midst of chaos. At least, I tried to say this, but all that came out was an angry growl.

It was then that I became aware of the sharp claws extending from my fingers and the fangs resting against my lower lip. Oh, how I wish I was free and was able to put a good use to these claws. Preferably involving my grandfather's face.

"Don't be too concerned if you aren't able to shift back for the next twenty-four hours. It's just the side effects of the first stage of your treatment. Eventually, as the treatment progresses, you will be stuck in one form, without being able to switch at all, and we're hoping that that form will be your human form. Your parents are very optimistic that it will be, but I won't deceive you with false hope. It's highly likely that you'll be stuck in a wolf form. Until we kill you, at least."

How fucking humane of you.

I'm sure they would consider themselves heroes for putting a pitiful animal out of distress, and would treat it as if they were putting down an old pet that was reaching its final days on Earth. The bastards would pat themselves on the back and consider it their contribution to society.

No way was I letting that happen. I would get out of here, one way or another. I had to. I needed to see Chance finally end up with Andrea and I needed to be around to talk Morgan and Peter into not giving up on one another when they finally got so far into their relationship that fighting was constant.

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