~Chapter 48~

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                                                                                           ~Chapter 48~

                                     The events that followed were all a blur to me. I had slipped into a state where I was just moving along but not entirely conscious of what was happening around me. Matt's large hand had gripped my arm and pulled me away from the room and out of the building that I had been held in for days, but besides that, I couldn't recall what else had led me to being in Matt's bedroom, wrapped in his blankets.

The only thing that awakened me from my trance was the sound of the door opening and then closing once again, indicating that Matt was back from the pack meeting he had left for several hours ago.

"Kaylee." His voice was quiet, almost as if he was testing the waters, unsure if I was stable or not. I sat up, letting the blankets fall off of me, and turned to face him.

My voice was carefully controlled to prevent any cracks in it. "What happened at the meeting?"

"Can we save that discussion for later? Right now, I want to know how you are." He moved away from the wall and sat in the bed beside me, one arm resting along the back of my shoulders. It took me several moments to answer, as I was too focused on the circular motions his fingers were making along my skin.

"That is also a discussion that should be saved for later." Since I don't even freaking know how I am right now. "Can you please just tell me what occurred before I escaped, to clear all this confusion I'm feeling?"

Matt let out a sigh, giving in to the fact that I didn't want to talk about my emotions at the moment. "To cut things short, they were holding you in the storm shelter of a warehouse a couple hours south of Ashford. The warehouse was a temporary base for some of their operations, such as doing testing on some captured werewolves. Your parents were big players in this whole scheme and primarily became involved in efforts to 'fix you'."

Pausing, he looked up at me in confirmation that I wanted him to continue. I nodded and he leaned over to kiss my cheek before carrying on.

"I'll explain how we did this later, but with the help of your friends and some of the pack's best trackers we were able to locate you... thank god." I looked down to see his fist clenched by his side. I grabbed it with my own and slowly smoothed out his hand so that it was no longer in a fist.

Matt turned to me with a look in his eyes that sent chills down my spine and a rush coursing through my veins. Instead of kissing me, like I had expected, he shook his head, as if silently scolding himself, and carried on with what he was saying.

"We had to wait in the town over until we had enough pack members to attack the warehouse and get you out. We lost some damn good people, but we eventually won out over the hunters that had been stationed there and made our way to the control room. Just as we clicked a button that opened the door to your room, your parents and some others came in, leading to another fight. You found us just after we had overpowered the group."

I nodded my head as a signal that I had heard enough for now, and moved downwards so I was now laying in the bed instead of sitting up. He copied my motion and threw one arm around my waist, pulling my back to his chest.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, his unsteady breathing the only sign he was still awake.

"I'm really sorry about all of this." I spoke the words that had been sitting at the back of my mind for a while now.

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