~Chapter 9~

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                                       If anybody is actually reading this, could you please give feed back? Like if there is a part you don't understand or just think is weird or something, please tell me so I can look over it again and decide if I want to edit it. Also, if there is something you like, tell me so I don't get rid of it. 

    Does anyone ship Chance with someone? 

    And do you think Morgan and Peter should work out? (Any couple name ideas?)                          

                                                               ~Chapter 9~

                "I am so sorry that I wasn't here, I completely mixed up the dates and thought you were coming tomorrow." A lady with wild red hair, bright green eyes, and a freckled complexion rushed over to greet me as soon as I got back to the house.

"It's fine." I shrugged, walking into the house behind her.

 "Well, I'm Louise and your aunt's a good friend of mine. I'm happy to help, I'm just sorry that we met like this." She introduced herself and I replied with my name.

"Have you had anything to eat?" I followed her into the living room where a familiar boy was sitting at the table and nodded.

"Okay, good. Again, I'm so sorry." She gave me a smile and went to sit down next to him. "This sweetie is Chance; I believe you guys go to the same school. He's always coming by and helping me out around the house." She explained, gesturing between the two of us.

"Yeah, I know him." I smiled at him and he continued to stare at me, confused.  

"Oh, good! Chance, honey, do you mind showing her to her room? It's the spare."

"Sure." He got out of his seat and walked over to me.

"Is she your grandma?" I asked as he led me through the house towards the room I would be staying in.

"Uh, no. She's my mom." He said, looking over at me. I stopped and did my best to sputter out a response to cover up for how rude I was. Luckily, he saved me from my failed attempts. "I'm just kidding. She's someone I've known forever, no relations or anything." He shot me a grin.

"Hilarious. You know- I like you better when you're quiet. I felt horrible." I said, shooting him a playful glare. He stopped in front of my new room and opened the door. The room was small with mainly just a bed, dresser, and nightstand. My luggage was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"Thanks." I said, going over and jumping onto the bed.

"Well... see ya at school tomorrow."  He said, going back to shy mode and giving me an awkward wave. "See ya at school." I winked at him and started unpacking my suitcase.

                 Once I finished getting my stuff ready, I walked downstairs, figuring some interaction with my new 'care-taker' would be wise. I found her sitting by herself on the couch, reading a book.

"Did Chance leave?" I asked, not seeing the light-haired boy anywhere in the room.

"Yes, just a second ago." She put a bookmark in her book and set it to the side, looking up at me. "So tell me a little bit about yourself?" She patted the space next to her.

"Like what?" I questioned, not really sure what I should say about myself.

"You're favorite foods so I know what to cook and things you like to do, stuff like that."

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