~Chapter 17~

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  MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              How was your Christmas???? Get anything good?<3

I got two paddleboards (we live on the water) to use with my friends and i've used them a lot over the past couple days. It didn't really feel as exciting as the past years but i was happy during christmas, so thats good enough for me. 

I'm really nervous for the end of break because that's when soccer tryouts are. I made the team last year but i didn't get to play often and i'm not sure if the coach likes me, so i'm not certain if i'll make it again this year or not. I reaaaallllllyyyy hope i do because it was super fun and cool to be on the team last year. 


                                                                ~Chapter 17~


    Apparently Andrea was serious about us hanging out. The next day when I met up with them in front of the school before classes, she took the opportunity to make plans with me about hanging out at Nick's Tomato Pie, a nearby Italian restaurant, tonight.

"Okay, well I guess I'll just text you when I'm done with homework and everything." I said.

"Sounds good." She said with a smile. One that I still couldn't figure out the meaning behind.

"So I guess we're not invited to hang out with you guys?" Peter questioned. I was about to reply that they could definitely hang out with us if they wanted to, but he stopped me by laughing and saying, "I'm just kidding. I have something after school anyways, and Morgan's practicing for her audition for the play."

"I'm so nervous!" Morgan glanced up from the script she was holding.

"Relax, you have a week and a half before auditions. They just gave the scripts out like an hour ago." Andrea reassured her.

The drama department had had a meeting this morning about the school play that anyone who was interested in auditioning had to attend. They also announced that the play had been decided to be a recreation of most of the Grimm Brother's fairy tales.

This created room for lots of roles, so I was sure that Morgan would score a part, even if it was just a background character. I had never seen her act though, so I didn't know if she was good enough to score a big role.

"We'll help you practice." I said, giving her a big smile.

"Yeah, it'll give us an excuse to all hang out more." Peter said, with an excited look on his face. More opportunities for Peter to make his move, I thought and had to hold back a smirk from crossing my face.

I caught sight of Chance making his way across the court yard. "Hey, I have to go ask Chance something. I'll see you in class." I said, turning to go after him.

"Hey." I said, grinning when my sudden appearance caused him to jump.

"Uh, hey." He said, stopping and turning to face me.

"So are you auditioning for the play? You'd make a pretty cute prince." My tone was teasing. From the short time I've known him, the play seems like something he'd be interested in joining.

His eyes lit up with talk about the play and his adorable dimple appeared when he smiled. "Yeah, I am auditioning."

I really hoped he got the part, for his sake.

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