~Chapter 24~

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                ~Chapter 24~

                                The next morning at school, I didn't have to see Peter's grimace when he saw me to know that I looked like a mess. I had tossed and turned the previous night, only resulting in a few nonconsecutive hours of sleep.

Stuffing in his phone into the pocket of his jeans, he opened his mouth, most likely to make a snarky comment, but I silenced him with a glare. He grinned in response.

"Where are Morgan and Andrea? They usually get here before us."

"Morgan's at a meeting for the play since auditions are after school today and I have no clue where Andrea is." He answered.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about the play. Are you going to go to her audition?" I asked him, silently wondering if I should do the same.

He shook his head, causing his light brown hair to fall down over his eyes. "I was going to but she doesn't want any of us there because she said it would make her too nervous."

"Do you think she'll get the part?" I asked him, since I had never seen her act before.

His face showed genuine hope for her and I let out a mental 'aw'. "She's really good and she was in it last year, which was a Shakespeare play, so I think she will. God, I hope she does."

"You're a really good friend to her." I said, a smile slipping across my face.

His smile left his face, however, as his whole expression changed from hopeful to troubled. "Yeah." The one word response was all he said.

"You don't look too happy about that." I noted.

"I am; it's just that..." He trailed off and kicked a rock away with his foot. I followed the movement with my eyes and watched as the rock bumped into a hulky guy several feet away. He turned around with a scowl, causing Peter to give him an apologetic smile.

"It's 'just' what? I won't tell her anything, by the way." I assured him, prodding for more information. Of course, this promise would have to be ignored if I could use the details to move their relationship further along

"Okay, you can't tell her this, but I still really like her. I always have. I was an idiot when I broke up with her." He said, looking frustrated with himself.

"Why did you break up with her?" I asked the question that had been playing on my mind for a while now. Mentally picturing them as a couple, I searched for anything that might've caused relationship troubles between the two. I came up blank, as all I could picture was Morgan telling a corny joke and Peter laughing so hard that his stomach hurt.

"I don't even know. I was just being stupid and now I regret it more than anything."

"Well, you should definitely tell her that you like her. I mean it's almost winter break, which means that we're almost halfway done with our senior year. Before you know, it we might be graduating and it could be too late."

The troubled expression returned to his face. "But what if she doesn't like me back and says no?"

"But what if she says yes?" I argued back.                    

                "Today we're going to be starting a partnered project that will count twenty percent towards your final grade and will also provide extra credit." My fourth period teacher started explaining.

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