~Chapter 33~

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Since school just got out, i'm going to be going to camp for three weeks and then to another camp for two weeks. I won't be able to get on internet or write at all those weeks, so that means no updates.Sorry guys<3 

                                                                        ~Chapter 33~


                           The only reason I went to school the next day was because it was the last day to turn my project in and the fate of my grade depended on it. I was hoping it would boost my 'B' to an 'A' since I had done pretty well on it and Chance had come through with his promise to help me.

We missed homeroom to hear a lecture about colleges and choosing the right future, which only succeeded in bumming me out. I hadn't been thinking of the future lately. All I knew was that it was too late to get into a college this year, especially since I hadn't built up the best transcript so far.

Maybe if I survived all of this without going insane, I could take a year to relax and travel before going off to college.

"Hey, you alright?" Andrea asked, approaching me at the end of the speech.

"I'm just tired." I forced a smile on my face, knowing they wouldn't be able to see through it. Pretending was my forte and the only reason I had been slipping up lately was because a part of me didn't want to be pretending anymore, therefore allowing myself to be easier read.

"What happened to your aunt really sucks." I was glad to be hearing anything but the typical 'I'm sorry' answer. "I don't know if you're up for it or not, but there's a big party tonight at this cabin some kid owns in the woods. It might do some good to cheer you up."

"Sounds fun but wouldn't that be an obvious place for a, you know, attack." I lowered the volume of my voice, hinting at how exposed the werewolves would be while they were intoxicated.

"Matt's going to have security posted around but there's not going to be just werewolves there and the hunters, or Curators, won't risk an attack while there are humans around. Hopefully." She explained, walking with me towards my next class.

"Okay, I'll think about it." I smiled a little more genuinely this time.

I was about to walk into the classroom, when I stopped and turned back to her. "How come we never talk about the werewolf thing? We seem to be on opposite sides a lot of the time."

Andrea took a moment to consider this before responding, "I figured if we don't talk about it, then we can stop it from getting in between us."

I nodded, not sure if I agreed with her logic or not, before waving at her and going into my classroom.

At lunch, Matt kept sending me glances that I didn't understand until I remembered how he wanted to officially meet Morgan and Peter. Every time we made eye contact, he would furrow his eyebrows and jut his head out the side. He really needed to work on how to signal things because this was not working at all.

I let out an exasperated sigh and waved him over. His face lit up and he eagerly came over, which earned weird glances from people who were used to seeing his dark, brooding side.

"Matt, this is Morgan and Peter. I know you guys know each other's names and everything but I thought it'd be cool if you guys actually met." I introduced them after Matt took a seat beside me.

"Hey." He greeted them, earning a smile from Morgan and a nod from Peter (which I'm sure Peter only did to seem cool because he never uses those sort of greetings). "Are you guys going to the party tonight?"

The Irony Of Being A WerewolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora