~Chapter 38~

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How was everyone's summer? I seriously can't believe that there are only three days left before my school starts up. It seems like school got out only a week ago. I'm definitely not ready for high school :/

~Chapter 38~

I spent the next few days visiting Chance in the hospital and working myself through the guilt I was feeling. I also managed to force my friends into a couple of snow-ball fights. Despite having stayed in a few snow-filled towns before, I was amazed by all the white surrounding me and by how much fun it could be.

It wasn't until the end of the week that I heard from Matt, who had been MIA for the past few days. He was doing 'damage control', as Andrea called it. I had stopped by a few times to help out with searching for any stray hunters who hadn't fled back to their base in New York after Saria was convicted but had never managed to catch a glimpse of him.

"Hey, can I come over in half an hour? I need to talk to you." His low voice sounded absolutely drained through the phone. I could only imagine how stressful this whole ordeal was for him, especially since he was a new alpha.

Will I have to go through this stress when we officially become mates and I become the female alpha?

The fact that I didn't even pause when saying 'when' instead of 'if' made me realize just how much my opinion about him had changed.

First I had hated him for a bunch of reasons that weren't all that clear to me and then I went to acting like I hated him while not-so-secretly being drawn towards him. And now we were stuck in this confusing stage where we acted like a couple but weren't official.

"Yeah, see you then." I answered, tossing my phone onto my bed after he hung up. I turned to the mirror set up next to my closet door and examined myself. My blonde hair was sticking up at strange angles and my mascara was smudged, the aftermath of my afternoon nap.

Deciding that brushing my hair would be hopeless, I jumped into the shower and used a handful of conditioner to work through the knots. I got out and pulled on a pair of jeans as well as a faded black t-shirt that used to be Kristy's.

Satisfied that I looked nice, I grabbed my phone and played Candy Crush until the doorbell rang from downstairs. "I got it!" I yelled, jumping off my bed and going down the stairs. I was slightly worried that it would be awkward if Kristy opened the door before I got there since they hadn't officially met yet.

"Hey." I said, slightly out of breath from running down the stairs.

"Hey." He repeated a half-smile on his face as he stepped through the doorway. His hair was wet, making me wonder if he had just taken a shower as well.

Kristy appeared in the kitchen doorway with a towel in her hands, obviously having heard Matt's entrance, and gave me an expectant look.

"Kristy, this is Matt. I don't think you've been formally introduced yet. He's my..." I trailed off, not really sure what to label it.

"Boyfriend." Matt said with a charming smile as he reached out to shake her hand. Kristy shook his as well with a cheerful smile on her face, clearly delighted to officially meet the boy that she had been "shipping" me with all along.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you. You can go on up to your room, Kaylee, but keep the door open." She gave me a pointed look before retreating into the kitchen. I blushed and grabbed his hand, pulling him up the stairs behind me.

When we reached my room, he paused in the doorway and studied the four blue walls and what was inside of them. "So this is what your room looks like from the inside. I've only ever seen it from outside your window."

The Irony Of Being A WerewolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora