~Chapter 10~

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                                                  What were you guys for halloween? It took my forever to get a costume because i didn't want to be the basic 'bunny' or 'cat' costume like every single girl my age but i didn't want my costume to be super lame also. By the way, does anybody actually like this story?


                                                ~Chapter 10~

                “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” A sophomore girl stood in front of me, looking like she was about to piss her pants. I just stood there frozen, as the cool liquid slid down my face. My shirt was soaked and clinging awkwardly to my body and my hair had sticky clumps in it.

“It’s fine.” I said tightly through gritted teeth, and she gave me another horrified glance before quickly walking away from the cafeteria line that we had both been standing in.

 Morgan ran over to me from where she had been sitting at our lunch table, with Peter and Andrea in tow. “I can’t believe she just spilled her slushy all over you.” Morgan exclaimed, stopping in front of me.

“I can’t believe her slushy was grape flavored. I hate grape.” I crinkled my nose and then glanced at Andrea who was cracking up, probably at how ridiculous I looked.

“Here, I’ll take you to the front office. They’ll either give you a change of clothes or let you go home.”  Peter said, starting to walk towards the cafeteria door.

I had started to follow, when a new voice stopped me in my tracks, “I’ll take her.”

I turned and looked to see that it was Matt. I instantly shook my head, stepping back from him. “No, it’s fine. I’ll go with Peter.”

“I’ll take you.” He repeated, looking Peter meaningfully in the eye. C’mon, Peter. Fight back. Be a man! I silently urged, but knew that he wouldn’t dare defy Matt.

“Okay, then let’s go. I’m freezing and sticky.” I huffed out impatiently, signaling for him to follow me.

“So why did you move here?” He asked once we were in alone in the hallway. I narrowed my eyes slightly, trying to think of his motive for walking me. Probably just to question me.

My throat constricted but I managed to say, “My parents decided to take the year off in Europe so I’m staying with my aunt.” No way was I telling this douche that they died. He’d probably use it against me in the future.

“You into any sports?” He asked casually, sounding perfectly at ease. I, on the other hand, felt ready to climb out of my own skin and run away.

“I run sometimes but I’m not a super athletic person.” I replied.

“Do you—“He started to ask another question but I cut him off, “Why do you care?”

 “Just trying to make conversation.” He muttered, giving me a sideways glare.

 We walked in silence for a while before he rudely said, “I don’t like you.” I raised my eyebrow, curious as to whether he thought I cared or not.

“Wow, it’s great to know that the feeling is mutual.” I said, hating the smirk tugging on the corners of his lips. “I just think you’re threatened.” I said matter-of-factly, knowing full well I was playing with fire.

His face immediately tensed and he said with a rough voice, “And why would I be threatened?”

“Because you’re not used to someone not putting up with your bullshit and cocky attitude.” I said with a challenging tone, noticing that we were now in front of the office.

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