~Chapter 45~

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                                                             ~Chapter 45~

                                                       (Matt's Point of View)

                              A smile broke across my face once my parents closed the door behind Kaylee and her aunt. It had been one of the best Christmas Eves I've had for a long time and I was relieved that her aunt and my parents had gotten along.

For as long as I could remember, Christmas Eves have been full of tension between me and my father, leaving my mom to exhaust herself trying to lighten the mood. Somehow Kaylee's presence had been enough to leave my father relaxed and even smiling.

"That was lovely. Kristy is such a sweet lady." My mom said, clapping her hands together in delight to fill the silence that followed the departure of the aforementioned person.

I nodded my head, showing my agreement, at the same time that my father said, "Yes, and so is Kaylee. Hopefully she'll cause our son to strive to do better."

Apparently the buffer to our tension left as soon as Kaylee did.

With my fists tightly clenched, I locked my narrowed eyes with my father's. "And there you go again, saying something douchey to ruin something good."

"I won't tolerate that kind of language." He hissed at me, and I didn't miss how his own fists tightened at his sides.

I urged to flick him off or follow through with an insult, but the sad look on my mom's face gave me the strength to resist. Too many times our petty arguments lead to unhappiness for her.

It was true that he always started them, for no apparent reason, but I didn't have to continue them. One of us had to be the bigger man and walk away, which was something my father was much too prideful to do.

Perhaps his pride was the reason he started these fights. He was too worried that I would majorly fuck up with the pack and that the blame would lead back to him, since he was my father, and shatter his image. Image was everything in a pack, for if you had a weak image, who would follow you?

It was too bad this image was more important than his own family.

I gave my mother as soft a smile as I could manage, though I was sure it looked more like a grimace, before turning to walk up the stairs to my room. Once the door was shut, I pulled off the stiff button down I had been wearing and laid back on the bed, content with the silence surrounding me.

Reaching into the pocket of my jeans, I fished out my phone.

To: Kay Kay<3

Goodnight, gorgeous. Sleep tight and don't let the werewolves bite.

After sending the text, I sat up and pulled my jeans off, leaving me in my boxers. Once I was back under the covers of my bed, I grabbed my phone once again and checked for her reply but there wasn't one.

Several minutes passed by without a response and I guessed that she had either fallen asleep or hadn't seen the text yet.

Clicking off the lamp next to my bed, I fell asleep with the image of a particular light-furred wolf in my mind.

A faint buzzing caused my groggy mind to be pulled out of its sleeping state and my eyes slowly fluttered open. The time on my tiny alarm clock told me it was well before sunrise

I pulled back my covers and went to my dresser to put on a pair of basketball shorts before heading down to the large basement room that served as a gym. My father was already there, with his arms forming a steady routine of up and down with the heavy metal bar.

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