~Chapter 47~

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                                                                                   ~Chapter 47~

                                               I hastily shut my eyes against the fluorescent light that assaulted my unadjusted eyes, which were used to the dim lighting of the underground room I had spent the past few days in, as soon as I stepped into the room above the tunnel. Taking a few steps forward, I kept my eyelids tightly pressed together until I was sure I would be able to handle the bright setting around me.

When my eyes were finally able to take in my surroundings, I saw that I was in a bare room that contained two chairs and a computer. There were two doors that served as exits from the room and a spike of adrenaline shot through me as I noticed that none of them had locks.

It reminded me of a hospital room due to the absurd lack of color and the state of cleanliness that was reserved for locations that required such sanitary measures.

A quick sweep of the room revealed no noticeable cameras. If this "escape" was a test, then there would surely be cameras to watch my movements... right?

With caution, I nudged open the door closest to me until there was a wide enough crack for me to see through. All that I saw was a brightly lit corridor going in two directions without any sign of movement. Neatly taped to the white walls were diagrams of human and wolf anatomy, along with instructions for a procedure that I couldn't make out the name of.

Normally I would choose this pathway as my best option, despite the posters that raised the hair on the back of my neck, but faint raised voices reached my ears and led me towards the other door. Being cautious of the sound of my footsteps, I made my way to the second exit and slowly opened the door so that I could peer into what lay beyond the smooth wooden door.

Expecting to catch at least a glimpse of life, I was surprised to find another empty hallway. I let out a frustrated huff and pulled the door back so that there was room for my body to slip past it. This was starting to seem more and more like a test by my parents.

Just in case it was, I lifted my middle finger into the air for any hidden cameras to see. God forbid I let my captors believe they've gotten the best of me.

Once I felt my petty action had gotten my point across, I focused my ears so that I could faintly pick up sounds of conflict. Following the noises, I swiftly walked down the corridor, my hand absentmindedly trailing over the white walls.

As I got closer and closer to a steel door at the end of the corridor, the noises became so loud that I had a dull ache in my temples. A strange feeling at the tip of my fingertips caused me to halt and a horrified gasp escaped my mouth as I saw the red liquid on my fingertips.

I glanced up and saw that more blood was smeared across the portion of the wall that was closest to the door.

"What the fu—"A loud scream interrupted my words and instantly kicked my body into action. I ran for the door and twisted the stained handle, allowing my body to slip through all the way before I closed the door behind me with a soft click.

Looking up, I saw that the new room I was in was much larger than any others I had seen in this place. Control panels with flickering lights encased two of the walls (the third was a sheet of glass that was most likely used as an observation panel for whatever was below) and smashed computers were lying beside overturned desks. Whatever conflict that occurred here had completely destroyed all the equipment in this room that I guessed was used for surveillance.

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