~Chapter 25~

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~Chapter 25~

                "What are you doing here?" I asked rudely as I opened the front door to see Saria and a few others sitting in my house. I was hoping that after my grandfather left, they would too.

My aunt, who was seated in the armchair next to them, gave me a sharp look, as if to reprimand my rudeness, but it fell short due to her own confusion.

"I need to speak with you again. I'm sorry it had to be right when you got home from school, I'm sure you're tired, but it can't be put off much longer.

Her dark eyes locked onto my own eyes, and there was a tension in the room that was on the verge of suffocating me. I took a deep breath and nodded my head, gesturing for her to follow me into the kitchen.

She took a seat at the table while I just stood with my hand cocked on my hip. "We are in need of more people due to an increase of the werewolf population and I really need to hear your commitment to the cause."

I ran a hand through my blonde hair and bit my lip, weighing the outcome of different answers.

Wait... what if I worked from the inside out. If I agreed to be trained more and used that as a way into finding information, finding out whether they had discovered Matt.

I opened my mouth, before shutting it again when I realized the bad things that it could lead to. If I worked in close proximity with them, they would surely find out about me and it would do absolutely no good.

"I know I said this last time, but I need a few more days to think. I wasn't able to really think it through because of school and all that stress, but I will now." I replied. If they really wanted me to be with them, they'd wait.

"We aren't going to be here forever." Her response had an air of frustration to it.

"I know. That's part of the problem. I've finally started to settle down and start a life here and I don't think I can deal with leaving it all behind to start traveling again. The traveling would remind me too much of my parents..." I trailed off, letting a sad expression take over my face. I was only half lying.

She smiled sadly at me but her eyes were still cold. "Very well. We'll await your answer." She said in a tone that portrayed they wouldn't be waiting for much longer.

"Just in case you lost it." She slid another card with her phone number across the table. With that, she picked herself up out of the chair and walked out of the kitchen.

I sat there for a few minutes, tracing the patterns in the wooden table with my fingernail, while I waited for them all to leave.

Finally, the last goodbye was said and my aunt came into the kitchen with an exhausted sigh.  "I really wish those people would leave us alone."

"Me too." I muttered, shaking my head and leaning back in my chair with slumped shoulders. My sigh matched my aunt's, and we sat in silence, leaving room for our own interrupted thoughts.

                The following morning at school, instead of going to my usual spot, I searched the hallways for Matt. Usually I would see him everywhere, especially when I desperately wished not to, but of course the one time I wanted to find him, he had disappeared.

"Hey, do you know where Matt is?" I asked Connor and Jason, who were leaning against a row of lockers.

"What? He didn't show up for your morning session in the janitor's closet?" Connor asked, causing them both to break out in laughter.

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