~Chapter 13~

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                                                  This chapter was really rushed because i only have ten percent of battery life left and my charger outlet in my computer is broken so it won't charge. Tomorrow i'm shipping it off to get either fixed or hopefully replaced, so it should be back in a week. But by then, i will be on a cruise for my holidays break. And i really wanted to update before then, so here it is: 

                                                                     ~Chapter 13~

                “You’re going to be late for school!” Louise said to me when I walked into the kitchen the next morning. I groggily rubbed my eyes, doing my best to look completely awful.

Which wasn’t that hard of a task for me.

  I sat down at the table and rested my head in my hand. “I feel terrible. I think I caught a cold or something.” I sniffed loudly to emphasize it.

 Louise looked at me unsurely, trying to decipher if it was just a teenage antic to avoid school or if I was actually sick. “Are you sure you don’t want to try and make it? You’ll be missing a lot of work.” She asked.

  “Trust me, I don’t like missing school because I end up with ten times more work, but I honestly feel really bad.” That wasn’t a lie, at least. I did feel downright awful, but emotionally, not physically.

  “I guess you can stay. Take some Ibuprofen and go back to bed, honey.” She said, going to the cabinet and taking out the container. She took out two pills and handed them to me, before opening another cabinet and getting out a cup.

  I swallowed the pills, since I did truthfully have a headache, and thanked her. “You’re welcome. I have to go now and I won’t be back till around four. I hope you feel better!” She smiled at me and grabbed her big purse, shutting the door softly behind her as she left the house.

As soon as she was gone, I sank back into the chair with a sigh of relief. Yes, if you couldn’t already guess, I was taking the easy way out and staying at home. I had a lot to think about and going to school was probably the worst idea possible at the moment.

I could run away and hide out for a couple months till I turned eighteen. I would be classified as a runaway and searched for until then, but after I’m legally an adult they would have to call it off. Or I could stay here and come up with a whole web of sorry ass excuses and lies to get myself out of this.

 The only other option was just letting things work out. I could stay and wait for them to make a move, acting as if it was all normal until then. I could see if they would let me stay first, before leaving if I really had to. I knew I could get away from them if I needed to. That was probably one of the only things I was good at, seeing how I had screwed everything else up.

Besides, Matt would probably reject me, but there is no way he would have me badly harmed. The only way he was alright having me harmed before was because his wolf hadn’t yet acknowledged me as a mate. Even if you absolutely despised your mate and completely rejected them and cut them off from your life, it still physically and mentally hurts for them to be hurt, even more so when you are the cause of it.

 I don’t think Jessica would be too happy with him grieving over me.

The possibilities and trains of thought ran through my head, counteracting the Ibuprofen and giving me even worse of a headache.

I decided to eat something and relax for a little bit, maybe watching television would give me some inspiration on how to deal with this, seeing as how this was a completely new territory for me. I had never actually been discovered as a werewolf in any of the places I’ve been.

Though I doubt anyone on the television has either…

  I ended up watching a show called Teen Wolf. I think you can guess why I chose it. Throughout the episodes, I couldn’t help laughing at how bad the graphics were and how unrealistic it all looked. But besides that, it was surprisingly good and had really cute actors.

Especially a character named Stiles, who reminded me of Chance.

The vibrating of my phone cut through the noise of the television, and I hit the pause button before checking it. It was a text from Morgan about why I wasn’t at school.

  To: Morgan(((((:

I’m sick):

I got a reply almost instantly.

Yeah, you and everyone else at school.

What do you mean?

There’s like nobody at school today. Jessica (she’s girl always with Matt) and her friends and countless boyfriends are all gone, along with Matt.

That’s weird.

Probably all skipped and are off getting drunk somewhere.

In the middle of the day?

Well, it is them…..                       

True, true.

Anyways, feel better soon! Andrea’s gone also and Peter and I look like total loners.

You kind of are….

Whatever, it’s not like you’re little miss social either :P

Ouch. Well, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.

You better!

I smiled and put my phone down, un-pausing the show.

An hour and one episode later, I decided that I couldn’t put off my decision any longer. I could stay and deal with the consequences or I could go back to life on the road.

If I stayed, I would get to remain with the connections I had made in this town and I would get to not run away from something for the first time in my life. If I could somehow convince them I wasn’t a threat to their pack or out to get them they might even willingly let me to stay.

 If I left, I wouldn’t be putting myself at the mercy of the pack, but I would possibly put myself and others in more danger from the Curators.

 It all came down to this question: Is it worth it?

The logic side of my brain said no, that this town was definitely not worth putting to risk all that time that I had spent saving myself from this exact situation. I didn’t like being trapped and if I stayed I would be trapped by having Matt as my mate, I would be trapped by the pack, and I would also be trapped by my feelings for my new friends.

If I left, I would meet new people and I would forget about these ones, or I would just handle being alone. Life would be so much simpler and I would get by on the familiar path.

But deep down, something inside of me screamed that yes, this was worth it. I was sick of running around and being scared of my own shadow. I was wasting my life being scared.

And was what I was scared of really worth all of this? My parents, the people who wanted to kill me all this time, are dead, the Curators aren’t paying any attention to me at all, this ‘terrifying’ pack is run by a high school boy, and I can actually take care of myself pretty well.

In reality, right now all I’m running from is myself. A year and a half had already escaped me, and before I know it my whole life will be gone. The years are already slowly dropping away, like the petals of a dying flower. I have to stop running at one point.

And that’s when I made my decision to stay, despite what my instincts were urging me to do.

It’s flight or fight, right?

And I’ve been told I’m a great fighter.

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