~Chapter 26~

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                                                                                                  ~Chapter 26~


                                                  After school that day, I called Saria and told her I was ready to meet up with her. She told me she would be at my house in an hour, so I passed the time by doing as much homework as possible to keep my mind busy.

Just as I was finishing up the last of my math homework, the loud chime of the doorbell sounded throughout the house and I bolted upwards, eager to answer the door and get this over with.

"So you've reached a decision?" Saria asked, her eyes boring into mine as she sat across the kitchen table that I had led her to after answering the door.

"Yes, I have." I said, absentmindedly playing with a strand of my hair. I had spent all day at school thinking about what I'd say to her, which might've been the reason for my horrible grade on my chemistry quiz, and had finally come to a decision about what would be best.

"I'm really sorry and I wish I could help, but I honestly don't think I could handle being a hunter. Not after my parents." I watched as her face formed into one of disappointment and she started to get up from her seat.

"But... I do have some useful information on where a large pack is located."

"How'd it go?" Matt asked as I walked into his room. As soon as Saria had left, I had departed as well and headed over to Matt's house.

"I told her that I was sorry but I couldn't help and that I was still recovering from what happened with my parents." I said, leaving out the other thing that I had told her.

A strange look crossed Matt's face. "About that... how are you?" The concern on his face unnerved me.

"I'm fine." I snapped quickly. I'm actually a coldhearted bitch who hasn't shed a single tear over the death of her parents.

Gathering that I didn't want to talk about it, he continued on with the previous subject, "How did Saria react?"

"She said she was disappointed and that they would be leaving town in a few days, but if I ever changed my mind, I knew how to reach her." I explained.

The look on Matt's face greatly unnerved me, leaving me with a feeling of anxiety. "And she just left? Without trying to convince you anymore?"

"Is that a bad sign?"

"They're usually a lot more persistent." He was staring blankly at the wall behind me, his mind clearly in another place.

I studied him as he thought and noticed that one eye was squinted more than the other. Thinking back on previous encounters where he had trailed off in thought, I remembered I had noticed him doing it then as well. It was kind of cute.

Kind of.

As I continued watching him, my conscience finally won and I opened my mouth to speak, "Okay... I may have told her one other thing."

His eyes snapped over to me and he waited for me to continue. "I told her that I had information on where a pack was located."

Although his fist clenched at his side, he didn't say anything and just continued watching me. I wasn't sure if he thought I actually gave his pack, or another pack, away.

"When my parents died, I had been traveling with them while being homeschooled by them. They wanted me to have a 'better educational experience'. Saria knew this, so I told her that while we were up in Northern California, I had caught wind of a pack up there. She believed me because she assumed that my grandfather taught me how to identify where packs were. I think she's going to go up there to investigate. Hopefully." I explained.

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