~Chapter 34~

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                        I'm finally back from camp and while it was lots of fun, i'm glad to be back. I had a hard time writing this chapter because i haven't written in a while and i was completely drained of ideas, but i really wanted to update so sorry if it's not very good. I tried.

How is your summer going so far? I'm working on finally getting a tan, something i've always failed to get despite living in Florida.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter and give me feedback because i am going to be editing soon and would like to know any part that i should clean up or change.


                                                                   ~Chapter 34~


                          I woke up the next morning to find a still-asleep Matt lying next to me. His arm was wrapped around my waist and we were both still dressed in our clothes from the night before. I scanned the rest of the room with confusion, before I remembered that we had both crashed in the pack house after we got back late from the party.

Ah yes, the party. I thought, remembering how everyone had stared at us knowingly after we had returned to the group from the kitchen with red faces. I also remembered how they all enjoyed bringing it up the rest of the night and kept egging us on to kiss again.

When the party had ended, we had both been too tired to bother making room to sleep separately. Despite how the situation looked, the rest of our night had been completely innocent.

In search of the bathroom, I wandered out of the room. Along my way, I ran into Jason leaning against the wall by the bathroom while clutching his head. I shot him a sympathetic look as I walked by him. Hangovers were something that not even werewolves were immune to.

The first thing that I saw in the bathroom was my reflection in the clear mirror. It was definitely not a pretty sight. My smeared makeup and tousled hair made me look like someone who was suffering from a massive hangover.

Deciding to take a quick shower in hopes of looking slightly more presentable, I stripped off my clothes and got a towel out from under the sink.

The warm water against my back made me feel even sleepier and I closed my eyes, enjoying the heat. I'm not sure when it happened, but I must have dozed off while standing up, because the clock on the bathroom counter read half an hour later when I opened my eyes again.

Cursing under my breath, I turned off the water and stepped out. I pulled my dress from last night back on and finger combed through my hair.

Seeing a slumped figure in the hallway, I snickered under my breath. "Maybe you shouldn't drink so much." I joked to Jason. When he didn't respond, I bent over to look at his face and gasped.

The werewolf with an arrow sticking out of his chest was definitely not Jason.

I immediately ran back into the bathroom and locked it, before running to peer out the window. The sight outside sent even more terror to my heart. Hunters dressed in black were pouring out of the woods and towards the ranks of werewolves who were in front of the house. I couldn't find Matt in the crowd, making me pray that he was okay.

Matt had been right about the hunters not going to attack at the party, but we all overlooked the fact that a bunch of hung-over werewolves would make a great target as well.

I tried to get my breathing under control as I paced the small bathroom. Dozens of terrifying scenarios flashed through my mind and when in glanced in the mirror I saw that my whole body was shaking. I slowly began to count to sixty in my head until the shaking stopped and my breathing was under control.

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