~Chapter 23~

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     ~Chapter 23~

                                                             I paced Matt's room in long strides, running my hand anxiously through my hair. He lay on his bed in the same position he had been in ever since we had arrived here from school, patiently watching me and allowing me to gather my thoughts and formulate sensible words.

Throughout my pacing, I couldn't take my eyes of the carefully drawn wolf on his wall that lay silhouetted in front of a forest. Its eyes seemed incredibly real and life-like, reminding me of all the werewolves I would be putting at risk if I didn't tell Matt what had happened.

"Okay, the thing is—"I started, finally ready to spill about the arrival of the Curators the day before, when a loud voice called to us, "Matthew! Dinner!"

"One second, Dad." Matt yelled back, only able to hear his dad through the thick wood of his shut door because of his increased hearing.

He turned back to me, his green eyes urging me to keep talking, but my courage had run dry. "I should get back home. I've been here since school got out." I said, picking my discarded backpack up from the floor and gathering my pile of homework.

"Maybe you could... stay for dinner?" He asked. I opened my mouth to say something, even though I wasn't sure of my answer, when the door was flung open.

"Matt—Oh! Sorry, I didn't know you had a... friend over." A tall woman, presumably his mother, stopped in the doorway, looking me over. She had dark brown hair that hung to the middle of her back and her eyes were a softer shade of green than Matt's, but she still looked strong and her high cheekbones gave her an intense look.

"Mom, this is Kaylee. Kaylee, this is my mom." Matt introduced us, pulling his lean body off his bed and stretching his arms over his head, giving me a very pleasing glimpse of his stomach.

I mentally kicked myself for enjoying the sight so much.

"Kaylee! Oh, wow, it's great to meet you." His mother's face instantly melted into an eager, friendly smile. I was guessing that she knew about us being mates.

"It's great to meet you too, Mrs. O'Kalie." I smiled politely and stuck out my arm to shake her hand.

"You can call me Laura." She ignored my hand and went in for a hug. I hugged her back with a surprised look on my face. "So, are you going to be staying for dinner?" Laura asked after she had pulled back.

"Yeah, she is." Matt answered for me and I gave him a discreet glare before answering for myself, "If you wouldn't mind having me."

"Oh, it's no problem at all." She said and gestured for us to follow her as she turned and left the doorway.

"Your mom seems really nice. I wonder how they got an ass like you." I said, a smile forming across my face.

Instead of defending himself or dropping one of his flirty lines (possibly about 'how nice' his ass was), he just faced the floor with an icy look and muttered, "Yeah, wait till you meet my dad."

       "So, Kaylee, how do you like the town so far?" Laura asked during dinner. The whole family and I were seated around a large table that was filled with an array of foods. I couldn't imagine how long it must've taken her to cook all of this.

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