~Chapter 5~

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                                                                      ~Chapter 5~


        “Kaylee!” Peter called to get my attention as soon as I stepped foot into the cafeteria. I smiled and walked over to them, grateful that I wouldn’t be sitting by myself like I usually did.

I took a seat next to Morgan who was also sitting next to a pretty girl whose darker skin showed off a foreign heritage. “Kaylee, this is Andrea. Andrea, this is Kaylee. She’s new.”

 “Hi.” Andrea gave me a friendly smile as she picked at the sandwich in front of her.

 “Hey.” I returned her smile with a small one of my own. I pulled out my lunch and was about to take a bite of my sandwich, when the air seemed to freeze. Morgan, Peter, and Andrea, as well as the rest of the student body, were all staring at somewhere behind me.

I turned around to see a boy flip his tray angrily and start stalking towards the exit. “Woah, someone’s PMS-ing.” I chuckled at the temper tantrum I just witnessed.

 Immediately, everyone turned to stare at me with looks of horror. What the hell? How did they even hear that?

The boy’s head whipped around and I was slightly taken aback at how attractive he was. He was strangely tan, given that this was a snow-town, and his hair was short and dark brown, showing of his sharp jawline. You could see his muscles through his well-fit black shirt and his remarkably green eyes were… glaring at me.

Oh, please. “Looks like someone can’t take a joke.” I muttered to myself.

A chorus of gasps sounded throughout the cafeteria at my words. I looked next to me to see that everyone at my table had their mouths hanging open in shock.

Geez, did they all have superhuman hearing or something? The thought made my mouth drop open and I quickly shut it.

Oh, shit.

I turned back to the boy, who I now assumed was the beta or some other high position in the pack, given that most of these people were werewolves as well. It made perfect sense due to the wolves I had smelled in the area and the air of authority he carried with him.

He held my eyes captive for a few tense moments, before turning his head and continuing out of the cafeteria.

 It was a while before the usual chatter resumed and everyone got back to their own lives. I started eating my sandwich, waiting for the people sitting with me to get over their surprise. Were they werewolves also? I was usually pretty good at picking up on these things and Morgan and Peter didn’t seem like werewolves at all.

Then again, I never really had this close of an encounter with werewolves. I usually picked them out and ignored them. And I had certainly made sure to never piss one off like I just did. What was I thinking? I guess the excitement of making friends had gotten to me and I had let myself believe that I could actually live normally here.

If anyone found out I was a werewolf my stay would most likely be a lot shorter here than I had planned.

“Do you know who that was? That’s Matt O’Kalie! He pretty much runs this school and you do not want to piss him off.” Morgan exclaimed, eyes wide.

“Yeah, he’s the top dog around here.” Andrea said drily and Peter stifled a laugh. Little did they know that I got the joke as well.

“Why? Don’t tell me he’s one of those rich brats.” I asked, playing dumb.

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