~Chapter 32~

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                                                                                   ~Chapter 32~


                    I stared at the hospital bed in front of me, urging the body laying in it to get up. To say something. To flash me a huge smile and start talking about monkeys or the rainforest.

Instead, my aunt's still body was wheeled away as doctors with sad smiles ushered me out of the room.

"No." I said softly to myself, as if that quiet word had the power to change everything.

"It's your fault." Saria stepped out of the shadows of the room, her dark eyes filled with joy at my failings.

"She's dead because of you. Just like your parents are." Her smile was taunting, and I flinched away, knowing that her words were true.

"It's your fault." Saria's words were repeated by parents and my aunt who joined her in the doorway.

"I'm sorry." I said, repeating it over and over again.

"Why are you sorry?" A deep, tired voice brought me out of my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to see Matt lying on the bed next to me, his dark hair ruffled up. I had to resist the urge to reach over and fix it.

"Nothing, just a dream." I said, sitting up and shaking my head as if to get it out of my mind.

"Wait... why are you in bed with me?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You got scared during the night and you asked me to sleep with you. You don't remember?" He asked, looking puzzled. "Huh, I've never had a girl forget about sleeping with me before..."

"Oh, shut up." I glared at him. I had a faint recollection of going into his room after waking up during the night but I didn't remember anything after that.

"Are you okay with pancakes? That and cereal are the only breakfast foods I can make." He asked, retracting his arm from around my waist and pulling the covers off before getting out of the bed. In my confusion, I hadn't even realized that we were practically cuddling.

"Yeah, I love pancakes." I said, smiling. My smile left just as quickly as it had come when I thought about my aunt's pancakes. "Did you hear any news about her?" I asked, not bothering to state who I was talking about.

"The blows were really hard and she's had some damage to her brain. It's not going to be permanent but she's going to need to be in the hospital for another week, at least. The police were talking with us about where you would stay in the meantime, and my parents offered that you stay here. Only if you're okay with it, though." He said, pulling on a discarded shirt from the floor. It took effort to drag my eyes away from his defined muscles.

"As long as it's no trouble to your mom or dad." I said and he shook his head, indicating that it wouldn't be.

"We can go by and get some more of your stuff later. But for now... chocolate chip pancakes or plain?" He said, changing the subject as he led me out of the room and down the stairs.

"Definitely chocolate chip. Who likes plain pancakes?" I wrinkled my nose in distaste.

"Oh, I don't know... only the rest of the world." He mimicked my action.

I scoffed, as if the idea was ridiculous. And to me, it was. Plain pancakes lacked enough flavor to make them a delicious, complete breakfast. "Well the rest of the world has bad taste."

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