~Chapter 41~

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                                                           Happy Thanksgiving<3


                                                                                                    ~Chapter 41~


                The days right before Christmas were the busiest days this town saw all year. For once, stores were filled and lines lasted more than a few minutes. The bright lights strung up on every corner and inflatables in the shape of Santa Claus proved that there was more life in this tiny town than one would usually believe.

I chose to spend these days shopping for my friends and my aunt, while I fought off an ever growing sense of dread. Even alone in my own house, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched or stop the hair on the back of my arms from rising.

The time-consuming task of choosing thoughtful, but not useless, gifts to give for Christmas gifts was a good distraction and I was quickly able to cross nearly everyone off of my shopping list. The only person I had trouble shopping for was Matt.

Morgan and Peter were both true dorks at heart and I knew, despite how lame others would think of it, that they would love to have a set of couples' bracelets. They were silver bands that had the words 'his' and 'hers' carved into them.

Andrea was easy as well, and I quickly found a pair of lace-up black boots that would match her style perfectly. The cookbook I bought for Kristy was as much of a present to her as it was to me, and I couldn't wait for her to try out one of the many dessert recipes in it.

Matt, however, was much harder, and after a full day of shopping I had yet to find anything for him. I had spotted a few things that would work, but I didn't see them as good enough. This was going to be the first gifts we ever gave one another and I wanted to make sure he liked what I got him.

Deciding to call it a day, I gathered up the various shopping bags that I had set down to look through shirts and left the shop that I was in.

I ignored the buzzing of my cell phone as I drove home and decided to take a nap instead of making plans with anyone to hang out. Shopping was more exhausting than running was, and I definitely deserved a day off.

My plans of sleeping were undermined by the door bell ringing as soon as I dropped onto my bed. I waited a few seconds, trying to convince myself that not answering wouldn't be that rude, but dragged myself up anyways.

"Chance." Surprise filled me at seeing him outside my door standing upright with only the help of crutches. "You got released?" I started to fling myself towards him with the intention of giving him a huge hug, but stopped myself at the last moment, remembering that he wasn't in the most stable state.

He ran a hand through his blonde hair, with a wide smile on his face. "They said I was good to go. I was gonna call but I thought it'd have more of an effect just to stop by."

"I'm so happy for you! Sorry I haven't visited you recently, I've been so busy Christmas shopping." An image of the brace-decorator kit I had gotten him filled my mind and I subtly checked to see if he still had a brace on. He did.

"It's fine. Anyways, I was wondering if we could have that talk now, if you're not too busy." He looked past me into the empty house, checking to make sure I had no friends over.

Oh, right. I had forgotten I still owed him an explanation for what had gone down the day that he had been shot.

"Yeah, now is as good a time as any." Might as well get this over with. "You can go ahead up to my room, I'm just gonna grab some chips because I'm starving... Can you get upstairs fine or do you need help?" I gestured to his crutches.

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