~Chapter 11~

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        I'm so sad my soccer season is ending soon and i'm missing playoffs. I stopped playing a bunch of different sports last year so i guess this year i'll just have to chill until something else comes up. Does anyone else play soccer, or some other sport? My friend does cheerleading and i've always wanted to do that so i might take a tumbling class. I know it's pretty late to start, but i can already do the basics so why not? It seems really cool to be able to do all the stunts that they do.

Okay, now read/vote/comment please?<3


                                                                 ~Chapter 11~

        Peter and I ate in comfortable silence at lunch the next day, while Morgan and Andrea were trying their luck at getting good cafeteria food for once. Morgan claimed that the chicken fingers were actually really good, but I had my doubts about the fact that they were even filled with chicken meat.

“Wait, are you dating anyone?” The only response my question got was a quick shake of his head. “You’ve had a girlfriend before though, right?” I asking slyly, watching him glance quickly at the spot where Morgan and Andrea were in line.

“Yeah.” He averted his gaze back to the table with a slight frown, making it obvious that it wasn’t a topic he wanted to talk about.

I ignored his cues, however, and kept bugging him about it. “Who?”

“This girl named Kasey who moved away last year.” He said, distractedly.  Wow, you seem so heartbroken about that.

  “You haven’t dated anyone else?” I kept on with questioning him, hoping for him to say something about Morgan. I saw indecision in his eyes from my question, and he paused, most likely deciding whether to mention her or not.

 He made up his mind and answered, “Actually, I did date Morgan once but that was a long time ago.” 

“Oh, so you don’t like her anymore?”

“No.” He easily dismissed the subject and then changed the topic, but I did pick up the way he looked upwards after saying it, with a faint nostalgic glaze over his eyes.

 Interesting… This might work out after all.

 I smiled smugly when Morgan came over and sat down next to Peter, the two instantly launching into a quiet conversation. I took this as my cue to turn and talk to Andrea.

  She was watching them and snorted incredulously, “I can’t believe they won’t just admit they like each other already.”

“Yeah, as cliché as their relationship is, they need to get together soon. I’ve been working on it.”

“Did you know they already dated but he ditched her for some other girl?” Andrea shook her head disdainfully.

 “Yeah, Morgan told me. He’s an idiot. Anyways, how did you meet them exactly?” I asked, interested in what they had said the first day about her ‘falling out of the good graces’ with Matt’s group.

 “Long story short, I used to be friends with Matt and most people over there, but when they were being unnecessarily cruel to these two over here, I stood up for them and instantly got booted out.”

 “Do you ever regret standing up for them?” I said, softly, not sure what her answer would be.

“Honestly, I really do miss all of them over there but I don’t regret doing the right thing. Plus, I love Peter and Morgan.” She glanced over at their table with the same wistful look I had noticed on the first day, but it wasn’t as longing as it had been before.

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