~Chapter 35~

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                                                                               ~Chapter 35


                               They say that when you come close to death, your whole life flashes before your eyes. That you view all your mistakes and triumphs, see all the people you've loved and lost, and that you are able to get a grasp of what your life has meant up to this point.

In the moments after the shot went off and after the pain started registering throughout my body, all I had in my mind was a dark void. There were no people or images reminding me of what my life had been, there was only... emptiness.

Maybe this meant that I hadn't experienced and loved enough or maybe the whole idea of seeing all these images was completely made up, but either way, it left me feeling bitter. Bitter that even now, having just woken up in an empty room, I couldn't think of anything meaningful in my short existence.

I spent my younger years worrying solely about shallow teenage things and spent the past two years isolating myself from the world. Not once during those times did I experience something significant that I would want to remember.

If I survived this whole thing, I wanted to start making more memories.

The door quietly opening was followed by someone saying, "You're awake! Thank god. Matt's been calling me like crazy, asking how you are."

A face appeared in my vision and it took me a second to recognize it to be Andrea through the black spots still clouding my eyes.

I tried to respond, but only a groan came out as the pain finally started coming back to me. It wasn't nearly as bad as it had first been but it still hurt like hell.

"They got the bullets out and the wounds closing up nicely, but the doc said it's gonna hurt for a while. You're also not going to be able to shift for at least a day due to the silver still in your system." She explained, sitting at my bedside with a sympathetic frown on her face.

"Is the fighting still going on?" I sat up quickly, despite my body's protests at the sudden movement. If I can't shift and there's still fighting going on, then I'm not in the best position.

"Yeah, they withdrew some of their fighters so we suspect their planning something. Got any ideas on what they're doing? You grew up with them so maybe you know how they think." She questioned.

This question took me back to a moment years ago.

I was being questioned by my mom about a guy I had been hanging out with and I refused the fact that we were anything but friends.

After arguing about this for a while, she had changed the subject abruptly and started questioning me about how I used my phone too much. In the midst of defending myself about my phone usage, I accidently said yes when she asked if the reason I was on the phone so much was because I was texting my boyfriend.

After that, she told me to never let my defenses down for something just because another thing is currently being attacked.

The following day we went over diversion tactics.

"It's a distraction. The fighting is just a distraction. They're going for the people we have hidden."

"Are you sure?" Andrea asked, already pulling her phone out.

"I'm not sure, but I think it'd still be a good idea to send more fighters over there. If I am right, then more and more of the hunters will be pulled out of the fighting here and sent there."

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