~Chapter 22~

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I just can't seem to find the right words for this story and i'm having a hard time writing the chapters since i don't know where i'm going with it anymore. So i think i'm going to go back and edit it some until i get more ideas. I just feel that these chapters aren't good enough and i don't want too write any more half-hearted chapters.


~Chapter 22~

                                                             "How was your friend's house?" Kristy asked with her signature large smile when I got home later that evening. She was in her usual spot on the old armchair that was positioned right in front of the television and was watching a Spanish soap opera.

"I finished all my homework so good." I responded absentmindedly, my focus fixed on the television that was displaying a hysterically crying women yelling out words in Spanish.

"That's good to hear. Homework always sucked. We're going to leave in half an hour for dinner, by the way." She informed me, her own eyes going drifting back towards the same scene that I was watching.

I tore my eyes away from the screen and looked at her in confusion. "I didn't know you knew Spanish that well."

"Oh, I don't." She offered no further explanation, causing me to let out a laugh before leaving the living room.

I hurried up the stairs and jumped onto the bed, letting my bag drop on the floor. I'll just lay here for a few minutes, I thought to myself, letting my cheek sink into the comfy depths of my mattress and thinking about my day.

The rest of my time with Matt had been quiet and uneventful. I had done my homework and he had done his. It wasn't overly awkward or uncomfortable like I had expected, though.

But it did leave me even more confused on where I stood about him.


             Apparently I had lain down for more than a few minutes, because the next thing I knew, Kristy was calling me to leave.

"Shit." I cussed and sat up instantly. I ran over to my closet and grabbed a long sleeve navy blue dress and hurriedly changed into it, pulling black tights on underneath.

"One second." I yelled back, as I stood in front of my full-length mirror, scanning my attire.

The dress had a collar with a few buttons down the front that stopped at the white belt around my waist. The sleeves were sheer and long, closing around my wrists.

Satisfied with my outfit, I moved onto my hair and makeup, which had been messed up from my nap. My hair wasn't too bad because I had straightened it this morning, but my makeup was ruined.

"Kaylee!" Kristy called again and I heard an obnoxious sigh from my grandfather. I stuck up my middle finger silently at the doorway, even though no one was there, and moved away to grab my makeup bag from the dresser.

After finishing putting on my mascara, I smiled and grabbed my purse and a pair of flats. "Coming." I announced as I descended down the stairs, pulling my shoes on at the same time.

"Here." I said with a bright smile, meant to piss of my grandfather. Kristy opened her mouth to say something but my grandfather cut her off.

"Oh, don't bother with it. It's impossible for females to get ready in less than forty minutes so it's not her fault, it is just her unfortunate genetics." He said, looking at me disdainfully. I swear that was the only expression he had.

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