~Chapter 42~

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Merry Christmas!!! What did you all get? If I'm being honest, I'm kind of proud of the fact that I managed to finish this Christmas-related chapter on Christmas without planning it.

Hope you all enjoy it, comment what you think<3

                                                                             ~Chapter 42~

                                          After a painful hour of wrapping, cutting, and yelling when I managed to get another paper cut, I was finally done with everyone's presents. Everyone's but Matt's, that is. A loud groan escaped me when I pictured how crowded the shops would be today, on Christmas Eve.

The sound of my heavy footsteps on the stairs must have alarmed Kristy to my mood, because she greeted me with a questioning look as soon as I walked into the living room. "I have no clue what to get Matt and I'm almost out of time."

"Why don't you get something from where you had your first date? That's always cute." Her suggestion had me wondering what counted as our first date. There was the one he forced me to go on and there was the do-over date. We went to the same restaurant in each one, but in the second we skipped the ice cream store.

"I'm not going to get him a gift card to the restaurant we went too, but maybe I could pick something up from the ice cream shop we went too."

"If you want to add something else to the present too, there's an obvious thing you could get it. You do have a pretty big thing in common." I raised an eyebrow at her words, and she continued, "You both turn into giant wolves."

"I could get him a charm with something that symbolizes a wolf! That jewelry store by the school will probably have one." I matched Kristy's smile with an even bigger one of my own.

"See, it wasn't that hard." Her words were light and the corners of her eyes were crinkled by her large smile. She turned towards her magazine and I continued to watch her, feeling grateful that she was in my life.

This time last year, I was holed up in a cheap hotel room hoping I had enough money to stay for one more night. Christmas morning was anything but joy-filled. But now, I felt a shimmer of excitement at getting to wake up on Christmas to a home-cooked breakfast with someone I deeply care about.

"You should go now while it's still early." Kristy looked up from her magazine, noticing I was still here. I nodded and grabbed my purse from the coffee table, glancing inside of it to make sure I had enough money.

"I'll be back in a little bit." I called as the door shut behind me. I heard a muffled reply but it wasn't clear enough to make it out because I was already on my way down the walkway.

As I started the car, my phone dinged and I dug through my purse to find it. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as I read the text from Matt telling me what time to come over tonight, as his parents had insisted that Kristy and I join their family for dinner tonight, since it would be just the two of us otherwise.

I pulled out of the driveway and first drove to the jewelry store by my school. Once I was inside, I saw that it was more of a collection of random items than an actual jewelry store. Emphasizing the strange feel of the store, a rack of fake mustaches was placed next to a case of real diamond necklaces.

Deciding that the store was way too unorganized for me to be able to find a wolf necklace on my own, I went to the cashier's desk and waited for him to come out from the back room. "Yes?"

The Irony Of Being A WerewolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora