~Chapter 7~

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                                                  I know it's been forever but that virus didn't go away like I thought and I wasn't able to get on my computer for weeks. Vote/Comment if you like it<3

                                                              ~Chapter 7~

        “Hey, little guy.” I smiled down at Mono, who had come to greet me at the front door as soon as I had arrived home from school. He grinned up at me and climbed onto my shoulder. I dropped my backpack onto the couch and went to the kitchen to get snack, when I had a mini heart attack.

“Kaylee, it’s good to see you.” My grandfather said with a stiff smile. He was seated next to Kristy at the dining room table and looked incredibly out of place in his crisply ironed jacket and polished black shoes.

 His head, once full of silvery hair, was now partially bare and he had stubble growing on his chin. Besides those differences however, he looked almost exactly the same as he had when I saw him last, several years ago.

“It’s good to see you too.” I replied, forcing a smile. It was definitely not good to see him. My grandfather was majorly anti-werewolf after my grandmother was killed by one. He was also a really skilled hunter and had trained my father.

If he ever found out I was one, I’d be dead in an instant. That is if he doesn’t already know. There’s a good chance my parents told him, because he had always been their ‘go-to’ person, and he just came here to mess with me before killing me.

“Kaylee?” I realized Kristy was trying to ask me something, and did my best to clear my mind.

“Sorry, what did you say?” The smile on my face was starting to hurt.

“I said that you’re grandfather decided to stop by for a visit to see how we are doing. We’re going to go into town for dinner at seven so make sure you’re ready by then.” She repeated and went back to chatting with him.

I went up to my room and put my bag on the desk, pulling out my homework binder with the mindset that it was better to get it over with now rather than later.

Halfway through my English paper, however, that mindset started wavering and my eyes kept drifting over to my new phone.

A couple days after I had arrived, my aunt had gone out and bought me an IPhone. I had rejected it at first, saying it was really nice but too much, but she had continued to insist on it so I had finally accepted it with gratitude. 

Ever since then, I had become obsessed with it and all the apps it had. One app in particular, The Moron Test, had me going crazy over my constant failures. And right now I really wanted to play it.

No, Kaylee, stay strong. You only have one and a half paragraphs left,  I told myself.

 Unfortunately, my mental prompting did no good and ten minutes later I was lying on my bed with my phone in my hands.

         “I’m not a moron!” I growled, throwing my phone down on the bed so that I didn’t have to look at the screen which stated the opposite.

Stupid test.

I glanced at the clock to see that I only fifteen minutes before seven, and hurried over to my closet.  I pulled on a pair of black leggings with a light blue long-sleeve top and went over to the mirror to make sure I looked presentable. After fixing up my makeup and hair, I turned away from it and stared at my perfume bottle, not sure what to do.

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