~Chapter 6~

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                                         Sorry for not updating for a while. I have a legit reason this time, My computer picked up a virus somehow and I just got it back :(((: Hopefully you'll enjoy <3


                                                              ~Chapter 6~

          The next morning at school, I instantly regretted my outfit choice of black high-waisted shorts and a tucked in white, sleeveless blouse.

 “Shit, I forgot that I’m not in Florida anymore.” I said through my chattering teeth as I sat down next to Morgan and Peter in first period. Usually as a werewolf I didn’t get too cold, but my body was still adjusting to the temperature change. It would take a few more days before I got used to it.

“How the hell do you even forget something like that in the middle of winter?” Morgan asked incredulously, tugging down the heavy wool jacket she was wearing.

“It’s not even winter yet, it’s November. You guys just live in a freakishly cold place. Back in Florida I would still be able to go to the beach at this time of the year.” I defended myself. I had woken up lately and during my early morning panic, had instinctively thrown on a random outfit from my old clothes.

“Aw, little Kay Kay’s cold.” Peter said in a baby voice.

“I’ll punch you.” I said flatly and grinned when his smug smile dropped.

 “Okay, class, listen up!” The teacher started talking about different tools and chemicals that were used.

 The rest of the day passed just like first period, in an uninteresting blur, until fourth period. I was sitting in the back by myself, not having been very social the first day, when my stomach growled obnoxiously loud.

“Shut up.” I hissed at it. It growled again. “I swear to go—“I was cut off by a light chuckle.

Taken aback, I jumped and turned in my seat. A boy with light, almost white, blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and an array of freckles across his nose was sitting next to me with a slight smile on his face.

“What the hell, why are you here?” I said, sounding ruder than I intended.

His smile faltered, making me feel bad. “T-the teacher just moved me here?” It came out as a question. I glanced up at the front to see other people switching seats as well.

The teacher put in a video about Shakespeare and I couldn’t help but zone out. I studied the kid out of the corner of my eye, realizing that he was actually pretty cute. He was frowning slightly, resembling a kicked puppy, and my rotten heart instantly swelled.

Scratch that, he was really cute.

“So what’s your name?” I asked and his stare swung to me, looking taken aback. He checked behind his shoulder to make sure I wasn’t talking to someone else, before he opened his mouth and responded quietly.


“Oh, hi Chance. I’m Kaylee.” I shot him what I hoped was a friendly smile. His mouth turned up in an answering smile and he responded, “I know.”

“Yeah, I guessed that. You guys don’t get new people too much, do you?”

“Nope, almost never.” His shoulders were slightly less tense now, like he decided that I wasn’t going to suddenly change my mind and punch him or something.

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