~Chapter 28~

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                                                    ~Chapter 28~

                        "So how exactly did you think this would work out for you? Did you think it would never catch up with you?" Matt asked from his position at the desk chair. His manner was like a still ocean, calm and quiet at the surface but roaring with life underneath.

It resembled how he was when we first met, which was something I didn't like. I had just gotten used to the playful him and had grown affectionate towards his real smiles.

"I had no clue if it would catch up with me, but I was sick of running." I stated firmly, trying to shoo away any regrets that lingered in my mind at the decisions I had made since coming here.

Staying was the right choice.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" He gave me a confused look.

There was nothing left to say but the truth. I had run out of lies to feed him and only the truth could help me now.

I cleared my throat and tugged on a stray strand of hair, before opening my mouth to speak, "The reason I came to live with my aunt was because my parents died a few months ago. What I told you about a plane crash was true, but I left out a few details."

He gave me a look that signaled for me to go on.

"They were on their way to find me, to hunt me. That's what they had been doing for the past two years. They fed everyone the lie that I was traveling with them across the country while being home schooled, but the truth was that it was a giant game of cat and mouse. I would go to a town, enroll in a school, get a job, and stay there for about a week or two before I had to move onto the next town. As soon as someone became too interested in me or any attachments were formed, I would leave." I didn't break eye contact with him the whole time I was speaking and he made no move to do so either.

"They had connections all over the country and had the other hunters tracking me down as well. I made the mistake of trusting someone once and they caught me. I guess they thought they could find a way to get rid of the wolf... it didn't work." I did my best to push back the painful memories from that time. He noticed me shudder but said nothing about it.

"When did they find out about you being a werewolf? And how did you end up one? There has to be blood history." Matt asked.

"I was adopted. They couldn't conceive and they needed someone to train to be a hunter. The irony of being a werewolf raised by werewolf hunters would be almost laughable in other circumstances.

When I turned sixteen, I shifted right in front of them and they were too shocked to kill me right away. I barely managed to get out of the house before they snapped out of it. And then the everlasting chase began." I answered.

Matt got up and was about to say something, when a loud knock sounded on the door. He turned and went to open it, revealing Connor.

He whispered something to Matt with an urgent look on his face. Matt nodded and gestured to me with his hand before whispering something back.

"I have to go deal with something. We'll continue this later." He gave me a short nod before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

I felt a burning sensation at the back of my eyes and it took me a while to realize what it was. Tears.

For the first time in ages, I was crying.

I was almost relieved when the first tear drop fell. I was beginning to worry that I had lost almost all of my emotions.

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