~Chapter 16~

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I don't know why, but it doesn't feel like christmas eve to me at all. It just feels like a regular day. In fact, it doesn't feel like christmas break either. It just feels like i have a long weekend or something. 

Anyways, what are you guys hoping to get tomorrow? I really want a paddleboard or an Xbox. Hope y'all have a great christmas!!!!!

                                                                     ~Chapter 16~


                                                               ~Chapter 16~

                                                                The day before, I hadn't eaten lunch in the cafeteria and I had done my best to avoid everyone I knew during the day. When Morgan, Peter, or even Chance tried to talk to me, I had given them short replies and had acted distant. I had also completely avoided any interaction with Andrea.

Today I decided that avoiding all of them would do no good, so with a deep breath, I walked into the cafeteria. Morgan immediately waved at me with a big smile. I noticed I was getting more than a couple stares, but I ignored them and walked over to my usual table.

"Hey." I said, sitting down. The group of people at the other end of my table was staring at me, making me squirm uncomfortably. Deciding I shouldn't show how nervous I was, I held eye contact with them until they looked away and went back to their own lunch.

"Hey, do you have any chocolate? I'm totally craving chocolate right now." Morgan's words send a rush of relief throughout me. I was glad that she wasn't acting differently.

Pulling out my lunch, I gave her a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, I'm all out."

"Rumor is that you went out with Matt last night." Peter said, looking at me questionably.

Morgan abruptly put her food down and sat up. "What!?" She practically yelled.

"Ew." I said, neither denying it nor confirming it. Andrea, who had been completely quiet this whole time, gave me a knowing smile.

Unsure whether it was a friendly smile or not, I decided that I'd have to figure out whether she hated me or not later.

"So is it true?" Peter asked, leaning towards me. I was about to lie to them, but I changed my mind after deciding that either they would find out it was true soon enough or Andrea would call me out on it.

"I wouldn't call it a date since he basically forced me to go on it with him." I muttered.

"What!?" Morgan yelled again, in an even more astonished tone. "And you didn't tell me? I need details!" She eagerly leaned across the table towards me.

"Lunch is almost over and we haven't even eaten." I complained.

"Fine, we're hanging out tonight and you're telling me all about it." She decided, sitting back in her seat happily.

Peter looked up with his eyebrows raised, clearly excited. "Can I come?" Morgan immediately shook her head and I knew that she wanted to plan out a girl's night for us. "But I want to hear it too." He had a puppy dog look on his face that even I might have fallen for, so Morgan obviously caved.

"Fine. I'll text you guys after school. You in, Andrea?" Morgan looked towards Andrea, who had been quiet this whole time.

"No, I can't tonight. But we should hang out sometime so you can tell me then, Kaylee." Andrea said with an unreadable look in her eye.

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