~Chapter 19~

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                             Sorry, it's pretty short ): But give me feedback please and tell me if a part isn't written well or is confusing or whatever. I really like reading your comments<3

                                                   Hope you like it!

                                                                            ~Chapter 19~

                                                             The next few days passed by quickly. Matt was keeping his distance and didn't talk to me much, not including for the intense look he sometimes shot me.

 I had snapped on him the day after the pizza place. I guess he had taken me being more friendly than usual when we were there as a sign that I was giving in, because he had started walking with me to class and trying to make normal conversation.

The effort was appreciated, but I honestly didn't feel any warmer to him. He had been an asshole for a as soon as he met me and I knew the only reason he was actually giving a shit about me was because he had to.

 Sooner or later he was going to drop the nice guy act, and I didn't want to have already developed any kind of feelings for him when that happened.

I was right however, because after I snapped on him, his eyes turned cold and he warned me about how long he could be patient.

I spent the days hanging out with my friends and observing Chance and his crush in class, doing anything I could to take my mind off what was causing anxiety to bubble up inside of me.

The cause for my anxiety was a phone call that I got the morning of the day that my aunt would be returning.

"Hello?" I said as I answered my phone, walking out of the door to go to my car.

"Hello, this is Kaylee, yes?" My grandfather's detached voice sounded clearly throughout my phone.

"Yeah." I said, getting into my car and closing the door.

"I would just like to inform you that I plan to be coming into town again. I wish to stay a week with you and my daughter. If she is near you, give her the phone. She is not answering my phone calls." His words caused a little sliver of fear to slip its way into my heart.

 A whole week? I freaked out over just having him stay a night, much less a week! And if Matt grows even more impatient and decides to do something about it...

That would not be good with my grandfather around.

"She's actually been away on a trip for a while, but she's coming back tonight so I'll tell her that you wanted to talk with her." I replied, my voice calm and stable.

"Make sure to do that." He said, hanging up without another word.

"Yeah, bye to you too, Gramps." I muttered, tossing my phone onto the passenger's seat and letting out a frustrated sigh.

 I wasn't sure if I should tell Matt or Andrea, or someone in the pack, about a werewolf hunter potentially staying here for a week. The consequences could be bad if I told him I knew hunters, much less if I was related to them. But they could be even worse if I didn't tell anyone and they were caught and killed.


      Now, I was standing outside of Louise's door, mentally preparing myself for what I knew would be an overly enthusiastic reunion on my aunt's part.

I was right, of course, because the second I walked in, I was immediately enveloped in a bone-crushing hug.

Damn, maybe she's actually a werewolf also. I thought to myself as I tried to wiggle out of her insanely strong grip.

I had just gotten out of her hug, when I was attacked with another one, reasonably less strong.

"Hey Mono." I said, smiling down at the monkey who was attached to my arm. He made a little screeching nose and climbed up onto my shoulder.

"How was the trip?" I said, giving Aunt Kristy a big smile. "It was amazing! But I'll tell you about that later. How has it been here?" She asked me, flashing me a huge grin.

"It was great. Thank you, Louise, for letting me stay here." I said, directing my words to the other woman who was standing behind my aunt.

"Yeah, thanks so much for taking her in. I felt so bad leaving for so long right after she got here." Kristy said and Louise waved off her thanks.

"Anything for you, Kristy. And besides, Kaylee was a sweetheart. It was no trouble at all."

"Well, we should probably get to the house. Mono's getting tired and I have to unpack." Kristy said, and then turned to me. "Do you need help with your stuff?" She asked.

"No. I have to take my car back anyways, so I'll just meet you at the house in a few minutes?" I said, and Kristy nodded. She turned to talk to Louise about something, while I headed off to my room.

I had packed everything up this morning, so I just had to grab the toiletries from the bathroom and my bags.

I walked back out of the room and into the living room where Louise was standing alone by the door, waiting for me. "Thanks again." I said and she wrapped me up in a hug similar to my aunt's.

"It was my pleasure. I'll see you around." She smiled kindly at me and I returned it, getting my bags and taking them to my car.

"Hey, you're going?" A voice asked me and I turned around to see Chance standing on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, my aunt came back today." I answered, placing my bags in the backseat of my car.

"Oh, well I'll see you at school then." He said, the statement coming out more as a question.

"Yeah, of course you'll see me at school." I gave him a hug and walked over to the driver's door.

"And don't think I've forgotten about Sandra. I have plans for you two." I gave him a mischievous smile and got into the car.

I saw his worried expression in my rearview mirror and chuckled to myself. Ok, I didn't really have any specific plans yet, but I would get her to notice him.


As Kristy's house filled my vision a smile formed on my face, and I realized I was happy to be back here. My smile dropped, however, when I walked into the house to see my aunt on the phone.

"Yeah, that'd be fine, I guess. You're coming next Tuesday? Okay, we'll be ready." She said into the phone, hanging up with a frown on her face.

"So, your grandfather's coming to stay again." She started when she noticed me there.

"Yeah, I know. He called me too. He's staying for a whole week?" I asked, hoping that maybe he had changed his mind and decided to stay for a shorter amount of time.

"Yeah. He'll be here Tuesday. Do you think you can help me clean the house up on Monday?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, sure. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but did you get along with him when you were younger? You don't seem to be happy about him coming." I said, hoping I wasn't overstepping any boundaries.

"Not really. I don't know, I guess he just expected a lot of me and I never really lived up to his expectations. I don't like him coming because he acts judgmental about my decisions and my house and pretty much everything." She got a far-away look on her face for a second.

"Anyways," She said, her familiar ecstatic grin returning to her face. "Go ahead and put your bags away. We'll go out to dinner later and talk."

"Okay." I said with a smile, grabbing my bags from the floor and heading up to my room. 

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