~Chapter 20~

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                                                                  ~Chapter 20~


                                                             "Grab my things." My grandfather said to me as soon as he took a step out of his rental car, with a wave of his hand towards the trunk. A deep scowl formed on my face as I watched him walk up the steps to the house with my aunt, leaving me to carry all of his luggage inside.

"Great to see you too." I muttered as I picked up one of the suitcases. A frown crossed my face when I found that it was surprisingly heavy for what should be a bunch of old dude clothes. This caused me to wonder what was really in there and I made a mental note to find out later.

I was halfway to the house when my sense of dignity came rushing back to me and I set the suitcase down on the walkway.

"Your luggage is by the car." I said as I crossed the house's threshold with an innocent smile. His eyes narrowed and my aunt shot me a look, both of which I ignored as I headed up the stairs to do my homework.

The week had gone too quickly for my liking. Matt seemed to be growing more impatient by the day and each time I saw him, I pondered whether to go and tell him about my grandfather. Each time I had talked myself out of it, however.

I couldn't do that anymore. I needed to warn him. Even though I was the queen of secrets and lies, I knew that I couldn't keep one that could potentially put others at risk as well.

Halfway through my math homework, my phone buzzed and I dove for it, thankful for the interruption. My brain needed a break. There was only so much math it could take.

Hey, can you come over in like an hour? We were gonna all get take away and watch a movie.

The text came from Morgan.

Sounds fun! Let me ask.

I quickly texted back, throwing my phone back onto my bed and getting up to go ask Kristy.

"Hey, can I go over to Morgan's house?" I asked, going down the stairs and into the living room. They were seated in opposite arm chairs and were in the middle of a conversation, one that was most likely dull.

"Well, your grandfather just got here..." Kristy trailed off, looking towards him.

"No, it's fine. Kids will be kids. I would rather explore the town alone tonight, anyways." My grandfather's tone was more than slightly patronizing.

"Okay, we'll go out to dinner tomorrow night, then. When are you planning on going over, Kaylee?" Kristy asked.

"In like an hour. We're just going to order in and watch a movie." I said and she nodded, turning back to face my grandfather.

I turned the corner and started walking towards the stairs, when his words caught my attention.

"So, what kinds of animals live around here?" His question was followed by a loud sigh and the creaking of a chair, leading me to assume that Kristy had leant backwards against the old chair in frustration.

In an exasperated tone, Kristy said, "Dad, don't do this here."

"I'm just wondering." His tone made it clear that he wasn't 'just wondering'.

I stuck around with my breath held for a few more moments to see if he would say anything else, but the topic was completely changed so I continued towards the stairs.

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