A New Beginning (pt. 5)

Start from the beginning

“I seriously don’t think it has something to do with me not wanting to move in with her yet,” Kendall said surely.

“I think it kinda does.”

“Okay seriously? Why are you so insisting that these two problems are related? That’s just stupid, Gi. It has nothing to do with it. You know what I think? I think she’s hiding something from me. Like… she’s hiding a problem that’s been eating her alive, and she doesn’t want to share it with me. And now she’s just lashing out her frustration to me, and that’s just fucking annoying!”

“Okay fine, but answer me this, Kenny. Why don’t you want to move in with her?”

“Are you serious asking this right now?!” Kendall glared at her best friend, annoyed why Gigi kept talking about the same unrelated topic over and over again.

“Dead serious. Why don’t you?” Gigi asked calmly, acting exactly like a therapist in the making.

Kendall still glared at her blonde best friend but Gigi didn’t budge. They were locking gaze on each other, none of them wanted to back out. After long seconds of silence, Kendall closed her eyes for a moment, groaning in frustration because how determined the tall blonde was.

“So, why don’t you?” Gigi continued to prod her.

Kendall didn’t answer the question immediately. She was tapping her fingers on the table as she was looking her coffee mug, thinking what to say. Then after a while she finally ready to admit something that’d been bothering her all this time.

“Well, to be honest…. I’m scared. I’m scared the moment we’re settling down for good, things will go downhill from there…” the brunette finally admitted.

“How things go downhill once you move in with your girlfriend that you love so much? I don’t get it.” Gigi frowned, not quite sure what Kendall meant.

Kendall sighed-heavily and looking up from her coffee mug to look at her best friend. “Ever since my parents got divorced they couldn’t stand in the same room, not even for a minute. Can you believe that? My parents! Those are the same people that used to be so crazy in love before. They were sickening sweet when I was still living with them, with all their affection and stuff.

“I remembered Kylie and I used to gross out because we caught them kissing or making out all over the house. And now, I’m pretty sure my mom hates my dad whole heartedly. Somehow it made me think, that I don’t want to lose everything I have with Cara right now.

“My mom didn’t waste her time marrying my dad the moment they had met. They only dated for several months and got married right away. All happened in less than a year. So to be honest? Settling down too soon is kinda freaking me out! Because if my parents couldn’t keep their love after 22 years being married, how am I sure that I could keep mine with Cara?

“What if, the moment when I already gave her what she wants, things go downhill from there? What if, the moment I’m settling down for her, she decides she wants something else and leave me just like my dad left my mom?!” Kendall covered her face with both of her palms as she’s still leaning on the table.

“I just can’t deal losing Cara. So I rather be in a turtle pace with her if that would keep her with me as long as possible….” she muttered.

Gigi didn’t know what to say after hearing what’d been bothering her best friend all this time. She should’ve realized that Kendall’s parents divorce affected the way her friend of thinking, especially in relationship wise. She didn’t know what to say to comfort her, considering she’d been failing in relationship department herself.

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