Shad sat down on my place on the couch watching me as I racked my brain for every single detail of the flower.

"While the flower might be rare to found, its also almost impossible to get. Every Nether year, millions of pigmens from across the Nether come to protect that flower." I took in a deep breath, realising afterwards.

"But you still haven't mentioned why is it so important." Shad asked.

"I'm getting to it." I said, "The flower is famous for it's incredible magic abilities. It is considered almost as a magi because of its raw magic powers. According to records, you have tried to steal the flowers several times too."

He frowned but too quick for me to catch on so I continued.

"It can allow a wizard, witch or relic holder to reach its ability at its maximum in just a second."

"But I believe there's a part of the pages that were torn off." Irene said.

I didn't even noticed that she was behind me, listening to all this.

She smiled at me but I crunched my brows in confusion.

"Didn't you say that the pages we're ripped off by rats when I emailed you about it?"

"Rats? Really Irene?" Shad asked with a big smug on his face.

"Give me break. You really wanted me to tell her right off the bat about it?" She exclaimed ignoring the fact that I'm still in the room.

I looked at Aaron who we looking at all this.

"You studied well." He mouthed.

"Thanks." I mouthed back before clearing my throat to the two quarreling in front of me.

"I'm here I suppose." I yelled at both of them.

They stopped and looked down on me.

"Right," Irene cleared her throat, "So about that last page. Despite the flower's beautiful abilities, can any of you guess why or in what way can it be dangerous?" Irene asked, looking between me and Aaron.

"Well for starters if it falls on the wrong hands then its will make a catastrophe?" Aaron said.

"Yes but anything else?" She inquired.

I didn't just rely on the books Irene gave me, usually on my shopping sprees with Lilly, she took me to weird book stores that she wanted to shop for her school and I ended purchasing a few books.

"Becasue the flower, if consumed directly..." I trailed off as I remember what it can do.

"Yes." Irene confirmed it with a nod, "If used directly on a victim then he or she will have an early ticket to hell or heaven."

The tension in room thickened as everyone just looked at each other.

"Okay I'm done!" Laurence exclaimed cheerfully.

He looked at all of us puzzled.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked carefully.

I almost snorted and Aaron smiled, way to break tension.

"No." Aaron said.

"Okay everyone, get ready. The flower will bloom in about few seconds. We need to get ready for it." Shad said.

"Right, let's get the stuff ready."

They walked out of the room leaving me staring at their backs with wide eyes.




"WHAT?!!" Aaron and I yelled.

A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bully (An Aarmau Fanfiction) ✅Where stories live. Discover now