My dad at first was very serious at first. He bombarded the guys with questions. Not to mention he took a special interest in intimating Percy.  Eventually, Leo started telling jokes and things eased up. Thank the gods for his sense of humor. After lunch, we moved to the game room.

"Why don't Percy and Annabeth sing something for us?" Hazel suggested.

"Why not. Annabeth will be working with us soon. Annabeth do you have a guitar?" asked Jason

"In my room. Give me a minute," I got up and went to my room.

A few minutes later I returned with my guitar and noticed everyone had switched seats. I  looked at Calypso and she winked and pointed at the spot next to Percy. This had Calypso written all over it. I cleared my throat and sat down.

Jason took the guitar and tuned it, "Any suggestions?"

"Bad for Business," said Hazel

Jason nodded and began strumming the strings of the guitar.

Percy POV

When finished the song with Annabeth. Something happened inside of me. I felt my cheeks get warm, my heartbeat picked up slightly. It was as if it was just me and her. At that moment I was hypnotized by her voice.  I realized Annabeth was different than any girl I'd ever been around. She was the best. The last few days with her have been amazing. The "date", the dance, and now today. I feel that my heart palpitates when I'm with her. I hope that Annabeth working with us will bring us closer and make us something more.

"You guys are amazing together." said Hazel, "I'm so glad Annie decided to work with you."

"Yeah me too." I impulsively kissed Annabeth on the cheek.

She pulled back. I kissed her out of nowhere. She looked away and got up. I glanced at Leo, he was mouthing, classic Percy classic. I tried to get everyone to move in from that even though that would be hard.

I cleared my throat, "So um, what should we do now?"

"We could go outside and play with the snow?" asked Hazel

"Sure. Haven't you done that in what? Forever?" said Leo

"Yeah, it could be fun," Annabeth said, she was trying to not make eye contact with me.

We all went down to the door when Frank grabbed my shoulder, "What happened up there? I thought she was going to beat the crap out of you?"

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking when I kissed her. All I thought about was her. And it was in front of everyone, kill me now." I whispered to him.

"Well Perce think next time." he went and talked to Hazel, for him it was obvious he liked her.

I looked at the sky from the porch, the soft white snow falling. I forgot how winters in New York are. I was usually somewhere hot and exotic during the winter. It feels good to have the air cold on my face, the city lights of December, and be home with my family. I have to visit them. As soon as possible. I hadn't been home yet with everything going now.

"New York is beautiful isn't it?" I turned and found Calypso looking at me.

"I missed it."

"So you wanna explain what happened earlier? You're lucky you know."

"Why is everyone asking that? I'm already embarrassed as it is."

"Oh come on Percy do you we'd forget that soon? I know what you did, so tell me." She put her hands on her hips.

"You saw, I kissed her." I put my hands inside the pockets of my coat.

"No duh genius, what I meant was why did you do it and what do you plan to do about it?"

"Because. . . because I. . . she is-"

Calypso stopped me, "Say no more. Listen piece of advice: Annabeth doesn't like not knowing. Be upfront. Also when you hear Annabeth work on a song about saving someone ask her where she got the inspiration."

I looked at her. Why would I need to know that?

"Percy! Caly! Hurry up we're going to start a snowball fight!" yelled Piper.

"Coming!" I yelled back, "We should probably go."

"We should and Percy." I turned around to face her from the stairs, "Remember my advice."

I nodded and joined my friends. I was on a team with Jason, Frank, and Piper. Hazel, Annabeth, Leo, and Calypso are on the other team. We were outside until dark. It felt good to be a normal person for a day.

When it was time to go I summed up my courage to talk to Annabeth, we hadn't talked since the kiss. I don't know why it affected her so much I've kissed her cheek before. Then again she probably felt embarrassed and confused.

"Hey, Annabeth I wanted to talk to you about the schedule for next week." I stood by the doorway of the kitchen.

"Sure. Shoot." she simply said looking down at the floor

"Well, tomorrow at two is the meeting with our agent and you. Monday right after school we have to do an interview with Seventeen, you don't have to go. Tuesday we will have our first meet-up at five. Finally, on Wednesday we have a photo shoot with you at three." I let her know.

"Sounds good. By the way, we're planning Hazel's birthday party. I don't know if you maybe want to help?" she asked me

"Of course. When is her birthday?"

"Next Sunday, it's a masquerade ball. We have to figure out a few details but I'll tell you soon ."

"Okay you ca-"

"Percy let's go." Jason entered the kitchen, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, it is fine Jason. we just finished," Annabeth smiled

"It's time for us to leave." Jason just pulled me out the front door.

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