S2.48_Fragrance - CV

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"Is... Something's wrong?" His voice unsteady.

"What's wrong? Nothing's wrong! Why do you think there is something wrong?!?!?"

"No-no-no" Baekeun raised his hands in surrender, Jieun took fast steps passing him, with Hera following her behind.

"Did I make it obvious?" Jieun whispered through gritted teeth.

"Not at all," Hera said in sarcasm.

"Over here!" Hanna waved afar, spotting the approaching girls

Hanna was sitting at the dinner table, wearing a white sleeveless dress. She patted the chair beside her, for the girls to take a seat. Jieun Hera and Jieun took the seat next to her. Jeongso slid a plate of grilled seafood on the table in front of the girls. Composing her position Jieun then took a closer look at the grilled delicacy Jeongso made.

When Jieun was about to grab a taste Jeongso then moved the plate from her to Hanna. While Hanna couldn't hide a smile Jieun's eyes were on Jeongso as sharp knives. Clearing her throat Hera took the initiative to pretend as if she was no more than a ghost at the scene. Suddenly Hanna stood up making gaining the attention of all three.

"Where are you going?" They spoke in unison, surprisingly in sync to the point it felt as it was practiced.

"Ehm..." Hanna looked suspicious at the three wondering what was going on. "I want to get a glass of water."

"I'll get the water," all three again spoke in sync. What was that awkward atmosphere why was everyone trying to make their leave?

"You sit down," Jeongso said.

"I'll get the water." Jeongso it in himself.

As he left, back was only a confused Hanna and two awkward girls.

"What's wrong with you?" Hanna turned at Jieun.

"What?" Jieun said in a monotone.

"Why is the atmosphere so awkward or is it just me?"

"It's just you," Jieun said, standing up she was also making her leave. Hanna didn't bother to stop her, nor did Hera intent to. Hanna felt slight bothered maybe there was something going on without her knowing. Something the three were aware of.

Jeongso returned with a cane of ice water and stacks of glass. Placing it on the table he then went back to the grill. Observing his expression Hanna noticed he seemed to be searching for something or someone.

"Where is-"

"She left!" Hanna said before Jeongso could finish his sentence. Though it hurt her pride she couldn't just play dim when he obviously was looking for Jieun.

"What?" Jeongso asked as if he didn't get her answer.

"Your fiancée left," Hanna said bitterly.

His eyes wandered around in wonder of where the bucket of living seafood went in the meantime he as he was getting the cane of water. Now that Jeongso realized Jieun was absent it kinda made sense.



After visiting the sea Jieun then walked along the beach. She walked with sand in her sandals, while hearing the sound of small waves disappearing as it reached the land. The leaf of the cocopalms swayed by the wind and so did her hair. Staring ahead of the stars she didn't notice her surroundings.

"AGRR!!!" Jieun exclaimed, faltering a few steps backward.

"You were the one bumping into me," Jun said in defense.

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