Chapter Thirty - Finale

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Chapter Thirty - Finale

It was a sea of blue and gold uniforms. A blur of names and certificates. A mass of grins and tears. Of flashes and video cameras. Of proud‒slightly embarrassing‒parents and grandparents. Cheers of encouragement and fulfilment.

The mark of a milestone that would never happen again.

It didn't sink in until after the celebration and photos from snap happy families. I'd gotten out of the special school uniforms ordered just for the ceremony, and was in a simple burgundy satin dress and black ballet flats.

Morgan was driving as we followed our parents' cars towards the restaurant we were celebrating at. We were both silent as he kept his eyes on the road and I kept mine out the window. Only the quiet hum of the radio kept us company. I wasn't sure what to say. Was there anything to say?

I jumped when Morgan's fingers caught my own, causing him to smirk as he kept his eyes on the road and his other hand on the wheel. "What are you thinking about?" he asked me, giving my hand a squeeze before letting go and placing his back on the wheel.

"I don't know," I admitted.

Grinning he replied, "I knew there was nothing going on up there."

Restraining from hitting him as I didn't want to cause an accident, I turned my eyes to the road before us. "Like you're one to talk," was the best quip I could come up with.

"Seriously though?" he asked quietly after he'd finished laughing at me.

"Did that really just happen?" I inquired in genuine curiosity, frowning.

Throwing me a quick sideways glance of concern he replied, "What exactly are we talking about here?"

"Graduation. Did we seriously just finish high school?"

"Technically we finished high school about a month or so ago. That was just a formality."

"I'm being serious," I told him earnestly.

"This is like your birthday all over again, isn't it?" he responded with a tired sigh.

"Shut up!" I cried, gently slapping his arm.

"How long did that take to sink in? Two weeks, was it? And of course there was the whole 'I'm not old enough to get into a club' incident when I took you out that night."

"I forgot!" I defended.

"How can you forget your own birthday?" he asked through laughter as he flicked his indicator.

"I didn't forget it was my birthday!" I argued.

"Oh, you just forgot it was your eighteenth?" he quipped back.

"No! Just that I was legal... It's strange when one day I'm still considered a kid and then the next my boyfriend's dragging me into a club!" I said, feeling the need to point out that he had all but forced me into the night club. Thankfully he'd made sure my limit of alcoholic beverages was next to none.

"You weren't complaining by the end of the night," he shot back with his signature crooked grin.

Heat rose to my cheeks at the memories of what he was referring to. Crossing my arms over my chest, I sunk lower in my seat. "Shut up," I muttered, trying to force back the grin.

"I'm only teasing," he reassured me, reaching across to take my hand again.

"You're lucky I'm very forgiving," I told him, my nose in the air. His loud bark of laughter brought it back down as I glared at him.

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