Chapter Twenty-One - Heart to Heart

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Hello my wonderful readers, I'm so excited to see that there are a few more of you than last time, so hi to all you newbie's and I really hope you're enjoying the strange ramblings of my twisted mind! XD I know this chapter is a little overdue, so excuse me, but I promise this one is worth it! (At least I hope so, I'll let you be the judge of that XD ) You get to meet a wonderful member of Nat's family, (wow, I just wrote Natalie and then thought to myself 'She would kill me if I used her full name'..... -_- So this is what the point of no return looks like, eh? Well, I guess I should get comfortable as I'll most likely be here for the rest of my life...) whom she happens to take after in a lot of aspects, and there's also another rare moment of vulnerability from the heroine herself, as well as a touching little 'moment' between her and Morgan. So yes, don't forget to vote, comment, like, fan, get drunk and French your best friend, get chased by an angry Hispanic man with a stick.... You'll understand... I hope... =)

Chapter Twenty-One - Heart to Heart

"So how was the road trip?" I asked as I sat on the end of a sun lounger next to Bree.

"Henry got chased by an angry Hispanic man with a stick," Sammy said, throwing her cousin a cheeky grin as she knew it would captivate our entire attention.

We all turned to stare at him, causing his eyes to widen before a sheepish smile fell onto his face and he settled lower in the water.

"Why were you chased by an angry Hispanic man?" Bree inquired with childlike curiosity.

"And more importantly," I added quickly, holding up a finger to get my own question in before anyone answered, "why was he carrying a stick?"

Jake had ended up sneaking out and joining us despite the fact he was grounded, and was nodding his head along in agreement to my question.

"Basically at this petrol station we stopped at, you were meant to pay before you started filling up..." he trailed off.

"And you didn't know this?" I prompted.

"No," he answered, shaking his head but refusing to elaborate. We all turned to Brendan, knowing we'd get nothing but the blatant truth from him.

"Long story short, he started filling up, the guy manning the cash register‒who was quite large mind you‒came barrelling out shouting at him in Spanish holding a stick in the air, and then started chasing him around the car," he said flatly, much to Sammy's disappointment if her pout was any indication.

Bree had slid back onto an inflatable pool device and was wading lazily, so I stretched out on the lounger, letting the sun dry my wet body.

"Ay!" she piped up before any smart comments could be made towards Henry.

"B!" both Morgan and I replied, grinning.

"Ha ha, aren't the twins so cute!" she enthused sarcastically whilst rolling her eyes. "An-y-way," she drawled, "I was thinking that seeing as how this is our last week of freedom we should all do something fun together."

"Define fun," I ordered, narrowing my eyes at her. The last time I did something 'fun' with Bree she made me watch The Notebook and painted my toenails a vomit inducing shade of pink.

"Something which causes joy‒"

"Not you!" I interrupted Brendan's dictionary spiel.

"I dunno," Bree answered with a shrug as she sat up on the pool toy wobbling, "Like a road trip or something."

"Argh! We just got home from one of those!" Sammy whined. "Do you have any idea what it's like being in a car with these two clowns for that long?" Henry looked offended when his cousin pointed at him, but Brendan didn't so much as blink let alone move from where he was lying sprawled out on the grass in front of me. As a matter of fact I couldn't even see his chest rising and falling... He was alive... Wasn't he?

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