Prank War

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Okey dokey, new story... Um... Yeah... It's funny. Well I think it is, but maybe I'm biased. Yeah.... Wow, look at that I have nothing to say, it has to be a first! lol. Enjoy my lovelies


Chapter One - Ultimatum

Oh boy. Here we go again. I thought as I pulled my key from my boot.  I knew that I was going to get it this time. I had promised my parents. I had begged and pleaded and promised, and it’d worked. At least until I screwed up again, which just so happened to be today.

I snuck in backwards as quietly as I could, shutting the door softly and spinning on my tip-toes with my ‘I-did-something-bad-and-I-don’t-wanna-get-caught’ look on my face. I froze mid-step, because standing at the foot of the staircase right in front of me with their ‘discipline’ looks on, were my parents. I let my body relax from the tense ‘stealth mode’ into a normal standing position and smiled as widely and innocently as I could possibly manage, which was pretty wide and innocent considering how far from innocent I actually was at that moment.

“Heeey maaa, daaad,” I said cheerfully.

“Room,” mum demanded.

Now,” dad finished for her.

My shoulders slumped and I stepped between them and made my way up the staircase and to my room. They knew by now that I would try and sneak out to avoid punishment, so they followed me the entire way. I was so busted.

I slung my bag across the room, not really caring where it ended up, and plopped down on my bed with a sigh, my hands in my lap as I waited for my parents to get prepared. It didn’t take them very long, one second they were pacing back and forth in front of me; weaving around each other and the next they were yelling about how disrespectful and childish I was.

“I mean when are you going to grow up Natalie?” my father asked me. I shrugged. How was I supposed to know? He didn’t even know, I sure as hell didn’t. He sighed, but I wasn’t sure whether it was anger or frustration that caused him to do so.

“Natalie why did you do it?” my mother pleaded, her voice sounding desperate. I shrugged again.

“‘Cause it was fun?” I suggested. Once again, I had no idea why! Why did they keep asking me these ridiculous questions?

“‘Cause it was, fun’?” my mother repeated. I nodded. “You trashed your principal’s office, because it was ‘fun’?”

Oh boy. Here it comes. The monster inside my mother.

“Well wouldn’t playing sport be fun?” she cried loudly. Her face was getting redder by the minute, her eyes were bulging and the angry little vein on her forehead decided to pop out and say hello. “Wouldn’t, drama or art class be fun? Wouldn’t listening to music or reading magazines be fun? Why can’t you be a normal child? Why can’t you go to the movies with your friends for fun? Oh no, my daughter glues her principal’s office upside down for fun!” she screamed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. I sniggered at the memory of gluing Principal Hayes’ furniture upside down, and instantly regretted it. “You’re laughing? You’re, laughing? If you think it’s so funny then maybe I should glue everything in your room upside down! Maybe then you wouldn’t be LAUGHING!” she screamed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. I covered my ears because everyone in the neighbourhood knows that when my mother gets angry her voice gets higher, and higher, and higher.

“Elise, Elise, calm down,” my father said to her, pulling her back by her arms.

That was when I noticed the position my mother and I were in. She had been leaning forward, bent over so she was an inch from my face as she screamed bloody murder while I had leant back until I was almost laying on my bed, my eyes wide in shock. She hadn’t gotten this mad, or this high-pitched, in a while.

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