Chapter Five - Tests

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Chapter Five - Tests

 “Get out of my way!” I grumbled through gritted teeth, elbowing my opponent.

“You get out of the way!” she replied, elbowing me back. I almost smudged my eyeliner so I pushed her with my side, causing a streak of bright pink lipstick to smear across her mouth. She gasped and I stared at her reflection in the mirror before bursting out into a round of loud hooting laughter. She replied by grabbing my hand and pushing it out towards my face. I stopped laughing and stared at my own reflection; and the black streak across my cheek and nose. Then we both cracked up.

“Okay, I’m taller than you we should be able to work this out,” I spluttered, moving behind her and stretching up on my tip toes. She bent her knees, crouching down so we could both see our faces in my bathroom mirror.

“You could have figured this out ten minutes ago,” she grumbled, grabbing a couple of face wipes and handing one to me as she scrubbed at the pink staining her face.

“You could’ve figured it out,” I said defensively as I scrubbed against the eyeliner on my face. She stopped and stared up at me, one of her eyebrows raised. “Right,” I said, realising that was her ‘Hello! I’m dumb!’ look.

“I’ve got an idea,” she stated all of a sudden.

“Yeah?” I questioned, imagining what crazy scheme she had just come up with.

“You’re going nuts being inside for so long so how about we tell your parents we’re going to school early and we nick to the mall.” She grinned as she plugged in my hair straightener. I beamed down at her.

“This is why you’re my best friend,” I told her. She giggled and started coming through her long, dark blonde hair.

“I’m your best friend because I’M AWESOME!” she declared.

“That’s what I just said you doorknob,” I said, staring at her.

“Oh, heh, right.” She laughed nervously. I rolled my eyes at her and stole my straightener back. “Hey! I was using that!” she cried.

“No you weren’t. You were waiting for it. It’s not my fault that I have quicker reflexes and grabbed it first.” I smirked, combing out my bangs. She snatched the straightener from my hand.

“Wha- HEY!” I screeched at her.

“You weren’t using it. It’s not my fault you’re cocky.” She smirked as she started straightening her wavy pieces of hair. I rolled my eyes and tied my hair up instead, turning and going back into my room to pack my bag.

“Are you ready yet?” I bellowed through to the bathroom a few minutes later. God why did she take so long? I did the exact same she did – albeit with less makeup – and I’ve been ready for ages!

“Yeah, yeah, hold on to your knickers!” she yelled back. I grabbed my bag and leant against the doorway, tapping my foot impatiently. “I’m ready!” she declared, popping back into the room and grabbing her own bag.

“About time,” I muttered as I yanked open my door and trudged down the stairs, Bree following me.

“Morning,” Mum said with a smile. Oh God, it’s smiling.

“Hnugh,” I grunted back. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Morning hun, morning Bree,” dad said.

“Morning Mr Barker, Mrs Barker,” Bree chirped.

“Morning dad!” I sung, pecking him on the cheek just to piss mum off. It worked. She dropped the dish she was washing into the sink with a loud clatter and stormed out of the room. Dad gave me an unimpressed look.

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