Chapter Four - Surprises

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Aren't you all proud of me! I updated! Wahoo! Lol, just kidding XD Sorry I've been so lax with updates, I really am :'( The next chapter of Call Me Dumb is up next so look out for that in the next few days! Enjoy! And remember to vote and comment, I love hearing your guys' thoughts! ;D (<- hee hee, that smiley face in italics looks drunk!!! ... Or is that just me?...)

Chapter Four - Surprises

I smirked as Kyle and sauntered into my house giving me a cheeky grin. Matt obviously knew about us because I could see him trying to hide a grin. Our parents went into the dining room and the four of us stayed behind.

“Matt,” I acknowledged, still trying to stop the smirk that was threatening to devour my face.

“Nat. Bree,” he greeted, giving her a sly smile. Ooh, hello! Someone has an itsy-bitsy crush! And I’m not talking about me either.

“Matt, Kyle,” Bree nodded. She kept looking at me, trying to catch my gaze, so I ignored her. I could already see her huge, green eyes shining in delight.

“Bree. Nat,” Kyle said. His eyes never left mine.

“Kyle.” I nodded, not being able to keep the grin off my face.

“Well this is interesting,” Bree noted after a few seconds of silence. Kyle’s face turned from sly to confused as he took in the rest of me.

“Are you wearing a dress?” he questioned, smiling in surprise as his eyes met with mine again.

“Don’t go there,” I warned him as I turned on my heels and followed our parents into the dining room.

Kyle and I didn’t say a thing about our ‘relationship’, if you want to call it that. I mean for God’s sake, it was only a kiss; we hadn’t even been on a date yet. Not that I wasn’t totally crazy about him because I had to admit that I kinda was. So when the doorbell rang and I remembered that Morgan was going to be here in about five seconds a wave of panic surged through me. Why? I have no idea, don’t ask me.

“Kyle, Matt,” Morgan acknowledged in surprise as he and his parents joined us in the dining room.

“Morgan,” they both said at the same time. Okay that was cute.

“Bree... Natalie.” He turned his nose up and sniffed as he walked around me. I narrowed my eyes at his back, attempting to test out my ability to kill with my mind. So far I found I had none. He had the nerve to give me the cold shoulder? After what he’d pulled today? Ha! He’s so dead. Morgan froze just as he pulled out the chair next to Matt. “Are you wearing a dress?” he asked incredulously. That was it. Those five little words were what caused me to snap. I know, I know, I’m pathetic. Whatever. I slammed my palms against the table and pushed myself up, glaring a hole straight through the middle of his head. He stood his ground, staring back at me. I had just opened my mouth to tell him where to go when my lovely mother pushed me back down in the chair, whispering in my ear how if I didn’t behave I was going to find myself locked in the basement for the rest of my youth. Needless to say I didn’t swear for the rest of the night. Not out loud at least.

After dinner, desert and a short but ‘pleasant’ conversation I smiled at my parents as sweetly as I could manage.

“May I be excused?” I very politely asked them. Mum gave me a wary look, but dad just nodded and waved me ahead. “You coming?” I asked Kyle as I slid my chair back. Matt had already managed to escape, making up some fake test in History tomorrow in order to do so. Kyle nodded and excused himself, and when Morgan went to do the same I stared at him. “I’m sorry, were you invited?” I questioned. He froze, halfway between sitting and standing. I smiled at him before grabbing Kyle’s arm and tugging him up the stairs, kicking my shoes off when I reached them so I didn’t break my neck on the way.

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