chapter 3

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We finally got home, Mr. and Mrs. Horan were already at my house. As we walked through the door, we quietly sat down in our chairs at the dinner table, we were still soaked. My mom stared at me for about a minute. awkward. "So," Niall ended the silence, "I've been thinking about auditioning for X-Factor!"

"That's awesome, Niall!" I didn't know that you could sing!" I gasped suprised. 

"Yeah, I think I can, It's worth a shot."

"What song are you singing?" My mom asked

"'So Sick' by Ne-Yo" Niall answered,

"I LOVE THAT SONG!" I yelled. Mr. and Mrs. Horan smiled at me, I guess they liked me. 

"I'm so glad that Niall met such a nice girl, she's such a good influence!" Mrs. Horan said, smiling at me. Barely I thought, knowing that we've been running awkwardly down the hallway screaming f-bombs, singing random songs in class, passing notes in class, and skipping class. Today, I texted my friends, Sarah and Kyrah. I sent them a picture of Niall and I after we got out of the creek. The replies humored me:

Kyrah:): awwww! you two are perfect for eachother! Give me his number! I want to call this boy!

Sarah:): Irish boys <3 HOT! You two are so cute! Can you hook me up with a guy at your school?

Niall looked at me across the dinner table, "Can we be excused?" he asked, 

"Niall, arn't you hungry?" Mr. Horan asked,

"No, I already ate," Niall answered. I gave him a confused look. 'Play along' he mouthed to me. "Oh, I already ate too" I looked at Niall as he got up, as did I. As we were walking out the door, my dad looked at us, disaprovingly. "You two have fun!" My mom yelled,

"Be back by 9:30!" Mrs. Horan added,

"9:15" My dad corrected,

"9:30 is fine, dad" I said annoyed.

Niall shut the dor and we were finally alone,

"Wow.. Your dad is-"

"I know" I said,

"Anyways, I thought that we could go to Nandos, I'm hungry." Niall suggested.

"Okay," I said, unsure of what Nandos was. When we got to Nandos, Niall had a huge smile on his face, you could tell he loved the smell of this place.

"The usual" Niall ordered as we got to the front counter, obviously he went here A LOT.

"But two," he corrected, smiling.

"What did you just order?" I asked,

"It's chicken, you'll love it!" Niall answered.

"£15.00" The cashier said. Niall and I both reached into our pockets.

"I'll do it," I said

"No, I'm the guy" Niall insisted

"Let me!" I said, shoving him.

"No," Niall said, standing his ground as he gave the money to the cashier. "You're annoying," I complained. 

"Well, I'm awesome" Niall smiled. We finally got our food and sat down at a table. 

"Isn't it good?" Niall asked,

"It's AMAZING! But do you know what would make it better?" 


"If I payed"

"Shut up, this is my turf!" Niall laughed,

"Your laugh is cute"


"Nothing," I'm so stupid. We both ate away, we ate a lot. I think I pigged out a little more than I should've. A couple minutes before we finished eating, I became a little self concious and slowed down, a lot. 

"You okay?" Niall asked, mouth filled with food,

"Yeah, I'm just eating too much" I answered, 

"I like when girls eat a lot. I hate when they say 'I'll have a salad' and then eat half of it." Niall stated. I mouthed the word 'oh' and smiled. Niall and I finished at about the same time, but he still beat me. 

"You all done?" He asked

"Yep" I smiled 

"Not bad for a rookie"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You're not as slow of an eater as I thought you were going to be"

"Oh really? Look at me, I'm so fat!"

"Bull shit!" Niall shouted as he lifted me up and ran out of the front door of Nandos.

"You're not fat" Niall said,

"Fine, I'm heavy"

"If you were heavy, I wouldnt've carried you out the door. It's 8:00, We have an hour and 15 minutes left"

"Actually 30 minut-"

"Do you want your dad to like me or not?" Niall asked, I just laughed. 

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