Party Monster

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Pursing my lips I click my phone shut, with a predatory smile and wicked gaze I nod my head once again. "Yep. Yes I'm quite alright. Just happy to know that Hank found someone."

Archer nods but chooses not to comment on the determined fire in my eyes. He rather not be on the other end of whatever is going through her head.

End of Recap:

The loud bass of the music thrums through my body. Countless people join the overwhelming wavelike crowd. My nostrils burn at the smell of cigarettes and the sweet scent of whatever perfume Aiden is wearing.

After seeing Aiden and Hank on Wednesday, supposedly out on a date, the gears in my mind started to shift. Several plans formed but only one stuck. Tonight I've decided to act on that plan.

So while Hank believes I'm on date night with Archer and said date believing I'm spending the night with said BFF, I'm actually out at the Halloween party. All it took was a simple text to Aiden asking if the fun-loving Omega would like to hangout, and here we are! Party central.

"This party is lit!" Aiden shouts over the blaring music, keeping a firm grip on my hand as the two of us make our way through the crowd. From the horrified expression on my normally smiling face, Aiden has to do a double take. "Hey what's wrong?"

He pulls me in close to shout in my ear, I wince from how loud he is. Lifting my hand I point a finger toward the dance floor, "Are you not seeing this?"

The 'this' in question are the fellow high schoolers all grinding up against one another. One girls behind is like Jell-O with the way it moves. Another guy is haphazardly thrusting his crotch against a girls scantily clad behind in her 'sexy tiger' getup, and I'm pretty sure all sorts of STDs are being trafficked within the air.

Aiden laughs at the scene, "You've never been to a party before, have you?" He doesn't wait for my answer, "I can tell because of the way you dressed, you told me this was a party but you came dressed like a nun."

My costume is a police officer. Ironically the Halloween store had an officer and nun left, but the cop suit was cheaper.

On the other hand Aiden is dressed as some kind of sparkly being, highlighter on fleek, purple glitter in his hair. A white t-shirt, bright red shorts that stopped mid-thigh, rainbow suspenders, and some very expensive looking shoes. The dude came to slay.

"You look like a freaking Unicorn!" My weak retort causes him to roll his eyes.

He grabs my hand, "Come on, let's make you look hot!"


My definition of the word 'hot' and Aiden's definition are completely opposite. Like his is on a whole other planet due to my inexperience of all things hot. The two of us make a stop at the kitchen where Aiden dug through all the drawers to find a pair of scissors. Once he did we set off in search of a bathroom.

When all the bathrooms ended up already occupied or a haven for drunken girls to throw up we headed to a bedroom. With the door closed Aiden immediately went to work. From out of nowhere he pulls out a small makeup kit, as if he's some guru he starts explaining what's currently happening to my face.

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