Day Before Eruption

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For the moment I can sit here and be comforted. I can act like everything is perfectly fine. While I'm here nothing else matters.

End of Recap

"Looking forward to Christmas break?" Preston and I lock our fingers together as we stare up at the frosted tree above us. My head rests on his shoulder and I let out a small sigh.

"Yeah, I'm visiting my Dad in Washington." I watch as my breath turns into white puffs that float up into the air. "I'm glad I'll get to see him."

Arms wrap around my waist and Preston presses a kiss lightly to my cheek, "I'm happy for you babe." He snuggles his face into my neck causing me to break out in giggles.

"Preston!" The two of us lean closer until our foreheads touch, "You're the best." My voice comes out a soft whisper, as I lightly caress his cheek.

"Will you two stop, I'm about to throw up." Steven sends us a look of disgust, "Seriously I know you're dating and all but if I see you guys kiss I'm gonna throw up."

My arms stretch out toward Steven. I pull him to me and hug him, "It's okay Ste-vin! We all know you're lonely." The Alpha grumbles under his breath but squeezes me back.

"Okay!" Preston shoves Steven away, wrapping his arms back around me and breathing in my scent. "This is my girlfriend, go get your own."

Steven frowns at the two of us, "I still can't believe this."

My fingers trail down and interlock with Preston's, "We're going to be late if you two don't hurry up. School starts in ten minutes."

As we walk into school many people stop to greet us. A lot has happened in two months. Preston and I got voted Homecoming King and Queen, which kind of set off the flame of love. We've been dating for a month and a half now but it feels longer.

To have an actual boyfriend who I can introduce to people. Who I don't have to fear what other people think about us. The biggest part is that I don't feel pressured to appease Preston at all. It's the best feeling!

The two Alphas drop me off at my first period, Steven giving me a fist bump while Preston gives me a peck on the lips. "Have a good day babe!" He sends me his usual dashing smile that has my heart fluttering.

"See you in a few!" I squeeze his hand back and step into class.

My smile immediately disappears as I find my seat. "Just one more day. One more day and then you're gone."


"Now for this you will have to use your calculator to figure out the answer." Mr. Blake explains to the class with a smile. "Everyone do numbers one thru thirty, odds only." He claps his hands together to dismiss us.

Everyone begins to do their homework. My pencil moves rapidly across the paper as I punch in equation after equation into the calculator.

Oddly enough, even though my ex-boyfriend is a Calculus teacher I was failing the class. Instead my current boyfriend, who treats me way better than the other guy, is tutoring me. I've found that math can be easy if you have the right teacher. And Preston makes learning new things fun.

"Ms. Cooper...a word please." My breath hitches in my throat. I turn around to face Archer, no he's not Archer anymore. He's Mr. Blake. Only Mr. Blake.

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