How Much Will It Cost?

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He stiffens up. "Guess I should watch where I cry." Turning away from him I walk down the empty hallway. His eyes burn holes into the back of my head and I don't look back.


Tiredly I roll out of bed when Izzy starts to bark. It's Saturday, and I have officially survived the first three days of Senior year! Only a couple minor bumps line the road to graduation, but I'm sure by then everything will be smoothed out.

Walking down the hall to the bathroom I squirt some toothpaste on my toothbrush. Vigorously I brush my teeth, who in there right mind wants cavities? Not me. While doing my brushing I do the rest of my business in the toilet to kill two birds with one stone.

It's all about time management. Once done in the bathroom I grab a hair tie off the counter and throw my hair up into a messy bun. I already know it's messy and I probably have wisps of hair still hanging out like tentacles, but it's Saturday. You're not supposed to care on Saturday.

Izzy continues to bark. Her loud voice echoing around the otherwise silent house. Now down stairs I see that she's pacing the backdoor while wagging her tail. A sign that she has to go do her business.

I open the door and in a flash she darts out and into the nearby woods in the backyard. I watch as she slips through the large hole in the wooden fence. Her loud barks fading the farther she runs away.

"Won't be seeing her anytime soon." I mutter half heartedly to myself. Back in the house I waddle over to the kitchen. The overhead clocks ticks and tocks above the window near the sink. The clock reads 8:35 a.m.

Is it bad that I'm angry I didn't get to sleep till noon? Like school just started, I was looking forward to more than six hours of sleep. Granted I got about eight hours last night. I still don't feel refreshed. More along the lines of grumpy.

After lazing around for the majority of the morning I see it fit that I at least don't waste away such a pretty day. The sun is out, not a cloud in the sky. The soft Summer breezes are still warm, if not a bit cooler than before.

The perfect day for a jog!


Dressed in some huggable black gym shorts and a hot pink tank top I tie the final knot for my running shoes. Hair in a tight ponytail with a matching hot pink wrap-around head band, to stop the sweat from getting into my eyes.

Mainly I'm doing this jog for one of two reasons. The first being that I shouldn't waste a beautiful day away locked indoors. Secondly being that I want to see what Archer is up to this morning.

In no way is that weird. I'm just really curious.

And maybe just a bit peeved that he totally ignored my very presence yesterday at school. He wouldn't even glance my way the entire class period. Plus he steered clear of walking in front of my desk. Which is in the front!

The scent of anger and annoyance stayed with me the entire period. Not once did I ever let up before Mr. Blake was forced to open up a window from how powerful the scent was. Once the bell rang all the surrounding students who got most of my hate ran for the door.

Before I was even up and standing Hank had already picked me up from my chair. With my backpack in his other hand he hefts me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. With one final growl towards who knows where Hank is already out in the hallway.

Pleasures of an Omega- COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora