The New Math Teacher

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Today marks the last day of my final first day of school. After this I won't have any other chances. Because I'll graduate this year and hopefully head to college. Maybe I'll take a year off to travel? Hank said he wants to visit South America while he's near it. Might even head to Brazil and go back packing through the Amazon? You never know with all the endless possibilities.

I continue to think about all that I can do once graduating this year. My mouth full of the Frosted Flakes cereal I bought yesterday when I had gone grocery shopping. Izzy chows down on her hand-mixed chopped steak with kibble. My face scrunches up at the small traces of blood on her muzzle.

My phone beeps from its place on the counter. Taking my bowl with me as I stand up to put it away in the sink. Using my thumb I unlock my phone on the fingerprint scanner and it opens to my recent messages. Of course the message is from Hank.

Hank the Tank: Do we have to go to school? I chuckle at his text. That's so Hank! Not wanting to go to school on the first day.

Paz the Spaz: Yes Hank! Get ready cause I'll be by your house in ten! I click my phone off but before I can even turn away from it the sound goes off again.

Hank the Tank: I don't need you to come pick me up! Stop being a mom. "Oh no he didn't." my head snaps back in offense at his text. My fingers fly across the keyboard.

Paz the Spaz: I know you can. BUT knowing YOU, you'll forget your school supplies, lunch money, AND your underwear! Slamming my phone down I stomp up the stairs to retrieve my backpack.

Grabbing my lilac colored backpack that matches my first-day attire of a lavender sundress and white Mary Jane flats. I stop in front of my mirror to stare at myself. "Hair is smooth and shiny. Lips are red and pouty. Bra holding my breasts. Legs moisturized!" I lift my arm to sniff at my armpits, "And pits are smelling like Fresh Rain! Lets do this!"

Briskly walking down the stairs I take a risk and slide down the wooden banister. I land safely in front of Izzy who barks at my stunt. "Hey girl." My palm rubs her soft fur, "I'll be back around 2:30 so watch the house for me!" Running into the kitchen I grab my phone and race to the garage.

I slap the garage door opener button that's connected to the wall then climb into my Explorer. Buckling up and cranking the car my phone dings from its place in the cup holder. Since I haven't even left my garage and the car is still in park I open my phone to read it.


Hank the Tank: Fine. I'll get ready. "Ah huh you can't stop the power of Paisley Cooper!"


Hank waits outside in his driveway. Hands stuffed inside his jeans pockets with a scowl on his face. I beep my horn at him even though I'm parked alongside the street. It's just for fun! Hank climbs into my Explorer and we head off. Hank silently broods next to me.

"What has you so grumpy this morning?" I keep my eyes on the road ahead.

"I told you not to bring up the underwear incident again."

At this I give him an incredulous look. "Hanky! Come on it was Sophomore year!"

"Exactly! I was 5'8 and lanky! You could have said something about that, oh but no you just had to bring up the time I forgot to put on my underwear." He crosses his large arms over his chest.

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