Micky D's or Burger King

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Archer beckons for me to get into his car, after our conversation. Giddily I slide into the smooth leather interior and buckle up.

He wastes no time in revving the car up, the engine starting to purr loudly. 'Wow this is a nice car.'

My eyes take in the inside while Archer turns onto the road and makes a left. He continues to drive without even glancing my way. It's like I'm not even here. 

The seats are clean. No scratches, streaks, or smudges taint the windows or console. One hundred percent looks like it hasn't even been driven before. But I know that's not true, because I've seen Archer drive his car multiple times. Maybe he just got it? Or maybe he takes really good care of his vehicle.

An evil grin takes over my features and with a quick hand I drag my hand down the window. 'There, much better.'

"What are you doing! You just smudged my window." Archer says angrily.

I roll my eyes, "Yup. Can you blame me? It's just so clean in here."

Taking one hand off the wheel, he reaches over my legs and opens the glove box. The contents inside are Wet Wipes, Anti-Bacterial Spray, gloves, and Hand Sanitizer. He quickly and with skillful hands pulls out a wet wipe.

With his eyes still on the road he shakes the wipe in front of my face. "Clean it."

"No." My arms cross over my chest in defiance. Suddenly the car stops, the back of my head slamming into the leather head rest.

"You have five seconds to wipe that hand print off my window or I promise you, I'll make you severely regret it."

Without even blinking I snatch the wipe from his fingertips and quickly wipe at the smudge. Fear trickles through me. Archer's scent has changed into a dominant Alpha. Even more so than his usual smell. This is his territory and I, an Omega, just messed with it.

It doesn't help that my instincts are telling me to submit to his forceful gaze as I wipe the last remnants of any smudge or prints from the window.

"Good." Archer says curtly before starting up the car again. He pulls off back onto the road and continues on like nothing even happened.

Tension is thick in the air. My throat constricts as I try to swallow past the lump in it. Well there goes my appetite.


The bright M of a McDonalds shines in its luminescent glory for all to behold. After our little incident neither of us spoke. I kept to myself and Archer did the same. It's like an unspoken agreement that I wouldn't pitch a fit and that he wouldn't go all Alpha rage monster on me. In the end we both just sat in uncomfortably tense and stifling silence for the last twenty minutes on the way here.

"Come on lets go feed you." He says while stepping out from the car. The door shuts with force. I can tell he's still upset.

Hesitantly I unbuckle and step out from the car. Once I shut the door, softly I might add, Archer locks it. Without even waiting to see if I'm following he goes ahead through the glass double doors leading inside.

An angry huff billows past my pouting lips. "Stupid Alpha." Nonetheless my feet drag me forward through the doors.

An onslaught of new smells reach my nose. The most prominent being the saltiness of the fries. My mouth starts to water at the golden sight behind the counter.

Archer stands in line behind an elderly couple, his hands inside his pockets. You can tell by his facial features that he's still royally pissed. 'He's older so he should be responsible and not be a baby about this.'

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